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Equipment & supplies

One of the most common questions people ask is about what gear and food to carry on the Overland Track. You have to carry everything you will need for the entire journey (there are no shops or rubbish bins) so you'll want everything to be as lightweight as possible. At the same time, this is an alpine environment so your gear should help you to safely enjoy a wide variety of weather conditions.

It is also important to think about what not to take. Any unnecessary gear you leave at home will help to keep you pack weight down and make walking much more enjoyable. You may choose to carry a few luxury items, but think about each bit of gear and how important it really is to your enjoyment and safety.

So lets start by looking as the main bits of gear.

Gear list
A list of gear for walking an overnight walk

Gear advice

Sleeping bags
Choosing a sleeping bag for your adventure
Sleeping Mats
More than you wanted to know about sleeping mats
Everything you need to know about bushwalking shoes
Tents & tarps
Everything you need to know about tent and tarps
First Aid Kit
What to carry in the first aid kit on your bushwalk
Using glasses as a bushwalker
Hearing aids
Using hearing aids as a bushwalker