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Chinese sausage & veg noodles

Chinese sausage & veg noodles






Bag 1

Bag 2

Container - sauce

Bag 1 - vegetarian option

  • 1) For the vegetarian option break up the TVP beef slices into small chunks.
    2) Label the bags and place all ingredients into the allocated bags and container.
    3) Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bags.

  • 1) In a pot add 3 cups of water.

    For the meat option:
    2) Chop the sausage up, place it in the pot with the water and add the contents of Bag 1 (vegetable mix), soak for a minimum of 10 mins.

    For the vegetarian option:
    2) Place the contents of Bag 1 (vegetable mix) into the pot with the water and soak for a minimum of 10 mins, until the TVP chunks are soft.

    3) After the soaking time, bring the pot to the boil and then simmer for 5 mins.
    4) Add the contents of Bag 2 (noodle mix) and cook for a further 3 mins.
    5) Remove the pot from the heat and remove the lime leaves.
    6) Stir the sauce through and enjoy.

Due to the moisture content of the sausage, it is best to keep this separate from all of the dry ingredients. Soaking the vegetables will help minimise the cooking time, which saves on fuel.

This recipe is from the awesome Xtreme Gourmet book. You will find many more recipes and really helpful information on nutrition for your adventures.