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Flat pan chocolate cake

Flat pan chocolate cake





Use enough paper to overlap the sides of the pan so you can use the paper to pull the cake out easily. Just a warning that this can be a bit fiddly to make and if you are not careful you can burn the bottom of the cake. If using a Trangia stove, add some water to the method to reduce the temperature.
  • 1) Cut out 2 pieces of baking paper to fit the pan (*see Hints).
    2) In a food processor pulse the chocolate and nuts together for about 20 seconds.
    3) Label the bag and place all ingredients into the allocated bag.
    4) Copy or print out Method at camp and keep together with the bag.

  • 1) In a bowl, place the contents of the bag (cake mix) and add ½ cup of water slowly to the ingredients, stirring constantly to make a paste.
    2) Place the piece of grease proof paper in the bottom of the pan and then spread the cake mix over the paper.
    3)Set the stove to a low heat and cook for about 4-5 mins until bubbles appear in the batter all over the top and the cake becomes brown on the bottom.
    4) Take off the heat, cover the top of the cake with grease proof paper and taking your hand (or chopping board) on top and flip over, place the cake back in the pan.
    5) Put the pan back on the stove and cook for another 2-3 mins until the cake is set all the way through.
    6) Serve.

This recipe is from the awesome Xtreme Gourmet book. You will find many more recipes and really helpful information on nutrition for your adventures.