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Rice pudding

Rice pudding





If you don’t want to use freeze dried fruit you can use your scroggin mix, or even dried bananas. Milk powder can be substituted for the coconut powder, note that any variation will change the nutritional value. If you do not soak the rice, you can still cook it but it will take at least 15 mins to cook, and you will need to cook the rice in about 2 cups of water.
Bag 2
Keep separate
  • 1) Chop the mixed peel as fine as you can.
    2) Cut the strawberries in half.
    3) Place all ingredients into the allocated bags.
    4) Copy or print out method at camp and place with the bag.

  • 1) In a pot, soak the rice (Bag 1) in 1 cup of water for about 1 hour.
    2) Discard the water and add a fresh cup of water and the contents of Bag 2 (pudding mix) and stir through.
    3) Bring the pot to the boil, then reduce to a simmer and cook for 7-8 mins stirring occasionally.
    4) In the last few mins the pudding mix will become thick like a porridge consistency, at this stage stir constantly.
    5) Enjoy.

This recipe is from the awesome Xtreme Gourmet book. You will find many more recipes and really helpful information on nutrition for your adventures.