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Overview of each section of the track

The Overland Track is one journey made up of many parts. These sections help give you a sense of what to expect each day, what the walking/terrain will be like and what facilities you will find.

The public huts cannot be booked. You need to be prepared to camp if the hut is full or in case you are unable to reach the hut (due to issues such as extreme weather, injury or illness).
This is a wilderness walk. There are no power points, phone charging stations, road access, places to buy food or any other services. There is only very patchy mobile phone coverage at some of the higher peaks. You truly do need to be self-reliant. There are also friendly people, amazing flora & fauna as well as incredible scenery.

The Overland Track

Ronny Creek to Waterfall Valley
Walk past Cradle Mountain and see some of the most spectacular Glacial Lakes. A great start to the Overland Track.
Waterfall Valley to Windermere
A lovely and much easier walk than yesterday. Walk through open alpine country with many tarns and an optional side trip to Lake Will.
Windermere to Pelion
A big day starting with a lovely walk along the open environment above Fourth Valley. Walk via Frog Flat then up to Pelion.
Pelion to Kia Ora
Walk up the valley to Pelion Gap with side trips to Mt Ossa and Mt Pelion East. Then down through more open button grasslands to Kia Ora.
Kia Ora to Windy Ridge
Walk around the base of Falling Mountain via the historic Du Cane Hut and three waterfall side trips.
Windy Ridge to Narcissus
A short and and gentle stroll down the glacially carved valley to Lake St Clair.
Narcissus to Cynthia Bay
A great way to finish your Overland Track adventure. Walk along the forest for the length of Lake St Clair and stop for a swim at Echo Point.