Bobbin Head is a historic recreation area which is still popular today, suiting the needs of many people. At the center of the Bobbin Head area is the old 'Bobbin Inn', built in the 1930s - it is now the park information center and cafe. The area is popular with picnickers, boaters, walkers, canoeists, family groups and people who like to fish. Bobbin Head is roughly divided into three sections (north, south and east).
Southern Bobbin Head is a popular picnic area for families and large groups. The area is surrounded by a car park and dotted with picnic tables, electric BBQs, shelters and a large playground. There are toilets nearby, and 'The Station' is a sheltered accessible area with BBQ and tables that can be booked NPWS.
The northern Bobbin Head (Orchard Park) area is a more formal picnic area. There is a large picnic shelter, surrounded by 14 smaller octagonal shelters, each of these divided into 4 walled-off compartments, ideal for small groups.
The eastern side of Bobbin Head is dominated by the Empire Marina and a public wharf. The marina is home to a nice restaurant and public toilets.