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Black Range to Jenolan

Length: 10 km
Walking time: 3 h 15 min to 5 h
Climbing: 256m
Descending: 648m
  • Too many people feel the need to rush this section of the Six Foot Track, give yourself plenty of time so you don't feel rushed, there is some nice bushland to enjoy along the way - the joy of walking into the Jenolan Valley should not be rushed.

    From Black Range campsite you start by following a dirt road as it undulates through the forest for just over 3km to meet then cross the sealed Jenolan Caves Road (take care). The Six Foot Track now narrows and undulates along the side of the hill roughly parallel to the main road for just over 2.5km, passing through a series of lovely gullies, fern trees and the occasional section of old road until coming to Jenolan Cottages.

    The cottages are on NPWS land and a great place to stay the night or have a snack break (there is also a toilet here). From the cottages, the Six Foot Track guides you around a locked gate and along a wide management trail for nearly 3km to the turn off to Mt George. Here the track veers right narrowing and leads downhill (steeply at times, and with great views into Jenolan River valley) for just shy of 1km to the footpath just above the spectacular Carlotta Arch. Surprisingly you are also crossing Jenolan River as it passes about 60m below underground. The concrete footpaths guide you the final 500m down to Caves House (grab a burger and cold drink) and explore the Grand Arch.

  • Creek Crossings
    This walk follows fairly close to the top of a series of ridges meaning there are no significant creek crossings (a number of small drainage lines are spanned by timber platforms). Near the end, the track crosses high over Jenolan River as it passes underground through a cave as you walk over the top.

    Carry enough water for the whole walk.
    Start) There is a water tank at the start of the walk (treat before consuming).
    6km) Water taps are also found at Jenolan Cottages (treat before consuming).
    end) Water taps are found at Jenolan Caves House.

    The start and end of this walk is well signposted with trackhead signs. Intersections are signposted and there are regular 'throw-over' signs about every 1km.

    There are three toilets on this walk
    Start) A pit toilet at Black Range campsite.
    6km) Toilets signposted just before the clearing at Jenolan Cottages.
    end) AtJenolan Caves House.

    There is informal places to site on the side of the track. There is a covered picnic table with seats at the Black Range campsite, Jenolan Cottages and seating at Jenolan Caves house.

    Start) A picnic shelter Black Range campsite.
    6km) Very limited shelter at Jenolan Cottages.
    end) Plenty of shelter Jenolan Caves House.

    Mobile Phone Coverage
    There is no Mobile phone coverage is for this section - carrying a PLB is recommended.
    Telstra: No coverage, except at the very end of the walk close to Jenolan Caves House.
    Optus: No coverage.

  • From Black Range campsite the walk follows a wide little used (by cars) dirt road for just over 3km. After crossing the main sealed Jenolan Caves Road the walk then follows an undulating narrow bush track (nearly parallel to the main road) for just over 2.5km to Jenolan Cottages.

    From the cottages, the Six Foot Track now follows a wide management trail for nearly 3km to the turn off to Mt George. Here the track narrows and leads downhill for just shy of 1km to the main Jenolan Caves precinct where concrete footpaths guide you the final 500m down to caves house.

  • Although most people complete walks safely we need to be aware of and respond to the many potential hazards that a bushwalk presents, this page just looks are some of the more unique risks to this walk.

    This walk is exposed to extreme weather (flooding rain, hazardous wind, thunderstorms, hail, icy conditions and extreme heat). Carefully study weather forecasts and current conditions before starting this section and heed BOM warnings. It is recommended that you postpone your walk during days of Total Fire Bans or when there are nearby fires. Also, postpone your walk if there is extreme weather forecast such as thunderstorms. Ensure you and your group are well enough prepared considering the potential conditions you could face.

    It is recommended that you carry and PLB and know how to use in case of a life-threatening emergency outside of mobile phone coverage areas.

    Walking on even quiet roads presents a traffic risk, walk in a way that maximisers your visibility to drivers and keeps you clear of traffic. This walk follows a usually quiet dirt road, but still be mindful of potential traffic. Take extra care crossing Jenolan Caves Road, you may not judge the speed of cars as well as usual after been out bush for some time.
    Avoid rushing. If you need to get to Caves House at a particular time, leave early so you don't feel the pressure to rush as it may increase the risk of slipping on the steep sections near the end of the walk.

Black Range Camping Ground
This is a large and lush campsite on the Six Foot Track. Plenty of place to pitch a tent. There is a toilet, water tank and sheltered picnic table.
Jenolan Caves Cottages
About Jenolan Caves Cottages
Jenolan Caves House
About Jenolan Caves House
Accommodation on 6FT
Enjoy the region more by staying locally before and after your walk.
Transport options
Options for getting there