Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby Overlandman » Tue 08 Apr, 2014 4:43 pm

Noticed that my Swallows have left & headed North, replaced by the arrival of the Scarlet Robins :wink:
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Tue 08 Apr, 2014 5:25 pm

Sadly no Scarlet Robins but plenty of Satin Flycatchers do the Males have a harem as I see many Females but only one Male ?
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby north-north-west » Fri 11 Apr, 2014 7:04 am

I now know for sure that its the local Potoroo population who are digging in the rear lawn and foiling my attempts at growing a few vegies. In the overcast conditions there have been a couple visiting mid-afternoon.
Of course, while the camera was handy, the battery was on charge at the time so still no photos . . . :roll:
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby michael_p » Fri 11 Apr, 2014 9:57 am

One of my brothers was out the front of my house last night when two Sugar Gliders jumped from one tree to the next in front of him. He came inside and got me but by the time we got back outside they were gone.
One foot in front of the other.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby walkabout » Fri 11 Apr, 2014 10:19 am

Saw this fellow in the garden last December around midday, and a couple of days ago another smaller one wandered through.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Fri 11 Apr, 2014 5:40 pm

Overlandman wrote:Noticed that my Swallows have left & headed North, replaced by the arrival of the Scarlet Robins :wink:

Noticed a number of Swallows in Devonport this morning they may be some of those that live here over Winter.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby awildland » Fri 11 Apr, 2014 8:33 pm

Where we lived last year, our backyard was a haven for red eyed tree frogs. When it rained enough, a pond formed near the back door and they would spend all night calling - we recorded them and posted it to youtube so you can check it out here

Neighbours hated them as the pond was right under their bedroom window. I nicknamed them the hubba bubba frog. Cute, aren't they! Unfortunately when the pond dried out their eggs/tadpoles would perish (we did run the occasional tadpole rescue)...

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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby taswegian » Sun 13 Apr, 2014 7:59 pm

just love frogs, and Echidnas and ...

Summer birds were around the other day, and we now have 2 Herons. For many years we just had one, so not sure if they are nesting.

These Praying Mantis were helping themselves to Grasshoppers.
Poor things were being devoured alive!

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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby cajun » Sun 13 Apr, 2014 8:10 pm

One Cheeky King parrot!


bird 1.jpg

and a snap shot of a Satin Bower bird in flight - sorry about the focus ... it really was a "snap" shot

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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Mon 14 Apr, 2014 12:31 am

Tonight I suspect it was Ma,Pa and baby Brushtails in my trees wonder if they have a Drey up there ??
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby north-north-west » Tue 22 Apr, 2014 12:04 pm

The latest additions to the local menagerie are Silvereyes, a couple of Flame Robins, some Fairy Wrens and an Eastern Spinebill, who has become a regular. In fact he/she is out there right now. 'Tis wonderful having the desk just here. :D
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby Tortoise » Fri 04 Jul, 2014 1:41 pm

A wedgetail just soared past my lounge room window! No more than 15m away, maybe less, at eye height because of the slope. How cool is that?! :D I often see them at a distance, riding the thermals, but this is pretty special. Mighta missed it if I hadn't been online...
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby horsecat » Fri 04 Jul, 2014 2:21 pm

These two had a good battle in Dad's driveway a while ago. Nice eh! The one on the left was the victor after he tore out the tongue and chewed the leg off the other. :shock:
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Sat 05 Jul, 2014 5:41 pm

horsecat wrote:These two had a good battle in Dad's driveway a while ago. Nice eh! The one on the left was the victor after he tore out the tongue and chewed the leg off the other. :shock:

Wow that is amazing who would have "thunk" that those placid seeming Bluetongues had that much territorial aggression ?
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Sat 05 Jul, 2014 5:50 pm

Question for those more knowledgable than me on Native Animals, I live about 100mt from a green belt and not that much further from the Mersey Bluff reserve,is it over population that is driving the Wallabies into our gardens every night? with the number of Scats in the area there must be more than one paying us a visit.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby Bluegum Mic » Sat 05 Jul, 2014 7:10 pm

Unfortunately with our new sandstone retaining walls being built out the front a very grumpy nest of funnel webs has been displaced. They are easily seen pottering in the garden bed. Fingers crossed we don't get any visiting in the house.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby north-north-west » Sat 05 Jul, 2014 9:01 pm

corvus wrote:Question for those more knowledgable than me on Native Animals, I live about 100mt from a green belt and not that much further from the Mersey Bluff reserve,is it over population that is driving the Wallabies into our gardens every night? with the number of Scats in the area there must be more than one paying us a visit.

They're lazy. If there's easy food anywhere near, they'll go for it.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Mon 15 Dec, 2014 6:48 pm

Still tingling from this sighting :D A White Goshawk has just landed on my gutter 5 mins ago,too quick for a photo unfortunately.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby walkabout » Wed 04 Mar, 2015 7:53 am

I startled a tiger snake in my garden yesterday and it moved so quickly it frightened me too. It disappeared under some shrubs.

Now I am a pretty keen gardener and the thought of putting my hand in amongst the bushes to pull weeds or prune branches has suddenly become an issue. This is the 3rd summer we have been aware of them in the garden. I lost a treasured cat to snake bite last year and I have a small dog that pokes his nose into everyone's business.

Has anyone here had any experience with those snake scarers with the dome tops that you stake into your garden at various positions? They send out a vibration that supposed to keep slitheries away - do you think they make a difference? If I was to get some, I would need quite a few, so I don't want to waste money if they don't work.

Thanks for any info.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby Overlandman » Thu 05 Mar, 2015 11:03 am

Unfortunately the snake scarers don't work
Send me a pm & I will see if I can help you out.
Regards Overlandman
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby walkabout » Thu 05 Mar, 2015 1:07 pm

PM sent.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Sat 11 Apr, 2015 9:13 pm

Welcome return of beautiful Ringtails :D
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby north-north-west » Sun 12 Apr, 2015 8:21 am

Well, they're more welcome than the brushtails who are heavy enough to make the rafters shudder when they start dancing on the roof.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby NathanaelB » Mon 20 Apr, 2015 9:35 pm

In the heart of Canberra, we don't see too many interesting native birds or reptiles in our small yard ... a few marbled geckos, some fairy wrens I'm hoping will nest here next year now that our garden is starting to look habitable, the usual suspects of currawongs, magpies and crested pigeons.

The superb parrots migrated north over a month ago, and the Gang-gangs weren't far behind.

I think we get more than our fair share of brushtail possums too, but I suspect at least half the ones that visit are ones I've had in care and soft released into the area. My dog always lets me know when they drop in.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby Nuts » Wed 10 Jun, 2015 10:15 pm

2014-01-10 00.12.20.jpg

Well, 'native' in someone's back yard, it's a good year for rabbits!
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby north-north-west » Thu 11 Jun, 2015 11:57 am

Bullet between the eyes and you'd have a lovely dinner there.
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby Nuts » Thu 11 Jun, 2015 4:43 pm

No they are playing a vital role in making the backyard niche conform to my idea how it should look, ie. mowing the lawn.
I'm thinking of introducing elephants next!

(Besides, the hound is still upset by the demise of the chickens)
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby corvus » Thu 11 Jun, 2015 11:01 pm

Rabbit stew is well overrated so was happy with them in my yard (I think) they have been usurped by Wallabies,pick up around 5 Wallaby scats every morning from my front Lawn :) .
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby Nuts » Fri 12 Jun, 2015 6:50 am

I'm kinda partial to some rabbit stew.. and the odd gunshot would probably go unnoticed in the neighbourhood..
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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

Postby north-north-west » Fri 12 Jun, 2015 7:07 am

corvus wrote:Rabbit stew is well overrated ...

Wallaby or kangaroo is better, but rabbit stew has a two-fold purpose: food and feral control.
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