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Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jan, 2018 2:45 pm
by Franco
Here is another one.
This is a yellow faced honeyeater :

and a towny crowned honeyeater (?)

so far I have found six different types of nests within our property .
The chough have made 3 nests (that I have seen..) . That one is easy to identify because they use mud .

they look lovely when flying

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jan, 2018 4:41 pm
by MickyB
Franco wrote:and a towny crowned honeyeater (?)

White-naped Honeyeater??

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jan, 2018 7:48 pm
by Franco
MickyB wrote:
Franco wrote:and a towny crowned honeyeater (?)

White-naped Honeyeater??

Thanks, that does look the part.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Fri 26 Jan, 2018 6:51 am
by Franco
And now for something compleatly different and my best find so far.
Yesterday walking on a self made trail that is a bit of a circuit around our property , I spotted on the trail about 20 meters above the dam , this chimney :
Clay cylinder.jpg

I posted that on Face Book and apart from the usual jokes , an ex workmate identified it as a chimney from a borrowing crayfish, apparentlky one on an endengerad list .
Then I found this article : ... d-yabbies/
It looks exactly the same as that one and the same size too.
This morning I went back and found several more.
I probably have been walking over them before because they are along a path were both myself, kangaroos,wallabies,the echidna,and fox or two regularly walk on.


Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Thu 01 Feb, 2018 2:24 am
by ofuros
Now that out Ice Cream Bean tree is in flower again...Possums literally drop in (launch themselves off our roof) growling/barking from the branches & Fruit Bats constantly flap & squabble in the darkness.
Tag-teamed by a gang of noisy Lorikeet's, raiding it's sweet nectar in the mornings...never a dull moment. :lol:

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Mon 05 Feb, 2018 9:29 am
by Franco
I have seen this one before but only managed to take some shots of it yesterday. rather friendly , made a chirp chirp sort of sound.
I can't identify it apart from the fact that it is another honeyeater.
HE 040218 6.jpg

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Mon 05 Feb, 2018 4:54 pm
by corvus
Nice Pic Franco, looks like an Eastern Spinebill.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Tue 06 Feb, 2018 2:58 pm
by Franco
Hi Corvus

I had a quick look. The female of the spinebill looks like that .
So I think that you are correct.
This is one of the males :
Honeyeater 07 01.jpg

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Tue 06 Feb, 2018 5:28 pm
by corvus
Nice one Franco I have them visiting my Backyard sometimes.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Tue 06 Feb, 2018 6:33 pm
by Franco
I did not expect the female to look like that but i really don't know much at all about birds.
I never had a male moving closer towards me as that female did twice so I assumed it was a different type.
I recently discovered that there is a very similar bird to the New Holland honeyeater so, now that I sort of know the difference , I am on the lookout for that one....

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Tue 06 Feb, 2018 8:01 pm
by corvus
Used to have the New Holland visit till the Little Wattle Birds took over( the Buggers have scared off all others except Blackies and Stukkies)noisy in the Morning.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Wed 07 Feb, 2018 11:52 am
by Franco
We have wattle birds that take over one one of gum trees is in flower , displacing the wrens and the honeyeaters that are in that area. It lasts for a few weeks and then they are gone.
In the meantime the honeyeaters feed from the other bushes and at the moment from kangaroo paws and the agapanthus.
I named one of the New Holland Mr Grumpy because of the way it lords on a bush looking around to fend off the others.
Mr Grumpy.jpg

the one I am after now is the White Cheeked Honeyeater.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Tue 27 Feb, 2018 6:55 am
by ofuros
After the laughing kookaburras wakeup call & before the ravens sleep-in reminder...just for the last month or so, flocks of noisy Sulphur-crested Cockatoos have been flying over in screaching scattered formations heading for whereabouts unknown.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Fri 16 Mar, 2018 7:19 am
by ofuros
Noisy gang of white bodied, blue patchy eyed Little Corella's descended onto our fruit trees this times like these I wish I had a long lense handy. :roll:
Their usual range is west of the great divide...

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Mon 19 Mar, 2018 8:47 am
by Franco
Aldi had a trail camera advertised for $129, so I had a look at it on the Net and found exactly the same on E Bay for $99 including postage.
It is sold under several brands at different price points.
Not particularly good at 5MP (12MP interpolated but don't bother) still it works.
Only had it out 2 nights, last night it captured a fox.
I think that this is one I call Blondie because the coat is like that. Not much bigger than my cat.
We do have at least another one that looks like the typical red fox, about 50% larger than Blondie.
I am hoping that I will be able to capture the elusive animal that roams here at night.

Ignore the time/date...

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Mon 19 Mar, 2018 10:51 am
by ofuros
Good luck with the nocturnal encounters, Franco...

No beautifully patterned python body...but the signs were there. 8)
Hopefully he's keeping the local cat population in check. Oops. :wink:

DSCF4480 (Medium)-1.JPG

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Thu 22 Mar, 2018 7:23 pm
by Franco
At down this morning I saw a koala drinking from our pond. by the time I got the camera it was gone.
Not common at all around here so it made my day.
Kind of weird that I lived in large cities most of my life, now I am on a country property with loads of birds, kangaroos, echidnas, koalas and blue tongue lizards.
frogs too when it rains (if we ever get any of that again )
These are Charlie and Ripper trying to find some food (yesterday)

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Tue 03 Apr, 2018 11:37 am
by cajun

We get a lot of native birds here, but this is the first time in 15 years or more that I have seen an Eastern Rosella - well 4 in fact.

Quite a long way away and in poor light conditions. Sorry about the quality.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Wed 04 Apr, 2018 12:41 pm
by Franco
I have had a lot of problems with the light of late. Birds seem to keep positioning themselves in the shade or against the light.
Anyway, I boosted yours a bit .
after.jpg (138.04 KiB) Viewed 37642 times

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Wed 04 Apr, 2018 1:51 pm
by cajun
Thanks Franco :D

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Thu 05 Apr, 2018 12:25 pm
by Franco
You are welcome.
Here is one from this morning :
Green-rosella 2.jpg

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Thu 05 Apr, 2018 5:00 pm
by MickyB
Franco wrote:You are welcome.
Here is one from this morning :

You probably already know this Franco but your photo is of a juvenile crimson rosella - not an eastern rosella like that in cajun's photo.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Fri 06 Apr, 2018 9:04 am
by Franco
Hi Mickey,
Yes , we have a couple of those green ones at the moment and funnily enough they do ripen later on, I have no idea how long it takes.
(another flock that visits also has 2 or 3 young ones, but the stay mostly further down the hill)
I think that it was born on a tree only about 50 meters from where I took the shot because I see the flock around there when they are not flying about.

Yesterday I spotted two new birds (to me) sitting outside a bedroom window, almost motionless.
They looked like a couple so I thought it was some sort of mating ritual. After 15 minutes or so one turned around , hopped around bit and then flew away. So I went out to discover that the remaining one was stunned having banged against the window pain.
I picked it up, it perched upright on one finger and just remained there. So I put it in a cage with some water and left it there for about 1 hour.
When I then put the cage outside and opened the door it flew away without hesitation.
This is the one that flew away first :
Spotted Pardalote.jpg

I think it is a Spotted Pardalote but I am not sure.
This is the one that was stunned

I am guessing that the injured one is a male but is the other a female ?
(I was VERY impressed by the mate waiting nearby) .

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Sat 07 Apr, 2018 12:16 pm
by Franco
I'm not sure but I think this is the black wallaby I occasionally see around there.
At that distance the roos still look grey .

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Fri 13 Apr, 2018 7:09 pm
by Franco
I had a very large crop of pears on two trees.
Over about two weeks the foxes have eaten all of them except for very few at the top (the trees are inside a netted area and only about 2,2 m tall)
I knew they were doing it but for some reason I did not stop them. (there is a very small gap in the gate).
now you all know that foxes eat pears too...
BTW, they have not touched the apples .

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Sat 14 Apr, 2018 6:05 pm
by taswegian
We have resident lizards running around the house.
One was watching me make toast the other day.
This fellow isn't really a popular visitor.
It was in the lounge room, probably via firewood.
I do like them. But only to look at, and outdoors.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Mon 16 Apr, 2018 8:32 pm
by Franco
Ripper in the bush waiting for the rain to fall.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Sat 09 Jun, 2018 9:03 pm
by Hiking Noob
I started doing Landcare a few months ago in the creek next to us, went to pull out a Wild Tobacco plant and this little girl was sitting right behind it.

Got the heart going for the morning, it's the first python I have seen in the creek, usually only see marsh snakes.
A single Banded Rail has been cruising around in the creek too but it is quite difficult to get a photo of.

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Sat 09 Jun, 2018 9:20 pm
by Neo
Nice one H Noob :)

Re: Native Animals /Birds/Reptiles in you backyard

PostPosted: Sun 10 Jun, 2018 9:57 am
by Ant71
Not my back yard but at my work