walk the talk

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walk the talk

Postby chimera » Fri 04 Mar, 2016 6:49 pm

Ringbalin is the tribal walk along the Darling river from Qld to S Aust. It means "ceremony" , walking in the steps of the creator warrior Ngurunderi. In Indonesian language of Bali
'ring balin' means " with warrior". Negara was the Hindu ritual-state government of Bali . 'Diri' means "individual. upstanding. to reign".
Bundjalung people of north NSW remember that a boat arrived from Ngareenbil "overseas islands" and meaning "your beloved countryman" in Old Balinese . So someone walked from Yamba , Grafton , along the Clarence to Tenterfield area and then along the Darling system. The river people are Barkindji , Barka the river, indji "people" who say the river is central : without the river we are nothing.
Sanskrit 'bhaga'is "beautiful",
'induja' is "flowing".
Good language.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: walk the talk

Postby chimera » Thu 12 May, 2016 8:31 pm

OK try a different story..
Bundjalung people have a legend about a boat arriving in north NSW , evidently from Java in 1222 . Hindus see mount Meru world-mountain as being in north Himalayas from where 4 rivers flow to Eurasia's 4 races. It's said that mount Meru also is in Bali. The Snowy region was a centre for Indigenous ceremonies for numerous countries and three rivers flow from mount Jagungal near Kosciuszko. Jagungal " table-top mountain" relates to Manaro "high plateau " of the Snowy and probably to Munarra the goddess who created the Dhungala river , the Murray. In NSW / Vic the suffix -gal means "clan" so jagungal is " jagun clan". Tamil has the same -gal plural suffix as in kumaragal "princes" , like Cammeraygal " comrade. country" of gamarada " comrade", Sydney. Tamils migrated to Java after 1025 and keep their culture separate today . Tamil -in , Javanese -ne is the possessive. Tamil jagangal means "communities . societies ", the world's people.

"..In the Besakih temple of eastern Bali province of Indonesia, an ancient idol of Jagannath has been found ".( Mohanty, B B. "Ratha Yatra : The Chariot of secularism". Hindu net. )

Etymologically, "Jagannath" means "Master, Lord" (nātha) of the "World, Universe" (Jagata). The word has Sanskrit origin , meaning "[whatsoever] is moving" .. Jagannatha can thus also mean "He the shelter of the Revolving World". .

Bali jagat means "country" .
Old Javanese . jaga " watchful, vigilant, on one's guard, cautious "
" what or who is coming, expected, destined to ."

jagat (Sanskrit जग jaga ) " world ".

Hindi language jagane means "awaken ".

Tamil / Hindi. jagan is "Keeper of the hedged enclosure. cheerful . Universe. World ."

. Manjar is an approach track to Black Jack mountain , having clear views near Kosciuszko. Hindi manzar means "view. landscape" , Javanese manjar "pampered" .

Sanskrit manara is "worthy of honour" . Hindu Mandarah was the cosmic mountain of creation.

Among all the other evidence in SE Aust it seems that this region was perceived as the symbol of the world-centre having high defined peaks from which rivers flowed in all directions. It's co-incidental that many nations worked on the Snowy Hydro forming a new bond of community among varied peoples so the Jagungal " communities" had 2 formats.
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: walk the talk

Postby chimera » Sun 15 May, 2016 10:09 am

Yowie description can be found in the name Dulugar.
Vol 49 No 2 Jun 2012 - National Parks Association of the ACT
http://www.npaact.org.au/res/.../Vol%20 ... 02012.pdf-

"Then there were the Dulugar; big hairy men who lived in this country and killed and ate Aboriginal people if they caught them. ... "
In Sanskrit: dul.gur

ति { दुल् } dolayati {dul} " swing , shake to and fro".

गुरते { गुर् } gur " hurt, eat, lift up" .
गर gara " swallowing, poisonous drink".

Old Java. dulaṅ to feed (child, sick person), to put (st.) into one's mouth
dulĕg dislike, distaste, aversion
dulĕk to poke (prod) into (a hole)

duli ill-mannered
dhūli (Skt dust, powder) dust; ``pulverized'', utterly crushed, destroyed
dulu look

gar to shake
garabag with a tumultuous noise
garagas to strip off the flesh (the body of a horse)
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Re: walk the talk

Postby GregR » Tue 17 May, 2016 3:35 pm

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Re: walk the talk

Postby chimera » Tue 17 May, 2016 6:16 pm

Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: walk the talk

Postby chimera » Tue 17 May, 2016 6:16 pm

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