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Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 6:32 pm

The last 2 days in the afternoon I haven't been able to connect to the forum
for an hour or two. Anyone else having the same problem?

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 7:01 pm

I wasn't able to get on either, which is interesting considering everything was supposed to be fixed! Hopefully it'll get sorted out quickly.

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 7:26 pm

seems ok to me, but every time i come to the site i need to login... even though i have checked the "remember my login details". strange. it works ok on every other forum.

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 7:30 pm

I couldn't get on for about 1 hour (from about 6pm). Same yesterday.

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 8:17 pm

Yes, it "died" earlier this late afternoon. Couldn't get on via computer or mobile device (Tapatalk).

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 8:26 pm

Yep sorry guys
We have had 3 outages over the past 4 days. One of about 30mins and two of about 40 mins.
The first one was my fault for been stupid on the server and the other two I think I know the cause and hope to drop a fix in tonight (which will cause a 1 min outage). Still testing it.
It seems this is caused by the new code to display the photo comp info at the top. I will be pulling the code until I can work out why it is crashing.
Sorry again

Matt :)

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 8:31 pm

wildwalks wrote:We have had 3 outages over the past 4 days. One of about 30mins and two of about 40 mins.

Is that all? I've been unable to access since 4pm today.

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 8:51 pm

Hi strider. It is possible the outage this afternoon was longer. I only have server access via phone today so pretty limited info - but from what I have it looks like less then an hour. But it is possible the server was only dealing with a limited number of connection for longer.
I have just pulled out code I think is causing the failure. Shall see how it behaves now. I will have full access Friday and find out more then.
Matt :)

Re: Is it just me or is the site crashing again

Wed 25 Sep, 2013 8:53 pm

I'm probably trying to get on every time it goes down! :lol:
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