HELP! Answers to common forum questions

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HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby tasadam » Tue 06 Nov, 2012 9:18 pm

First up - a whole bunch of forum based questions!

And answers, HERE.

Why do messages stay in the Outbox?

When you send a PM, it goes to your Outbox.
This gives you the opportunity to edit it until such time as the recipient reads the PM.
If you do edit a PM in the Outbox, the PM will show Last edited (date), edited X times total when the recipient receives it.
If you are in the process if editing a PM when the recipient reads the PM, the edits will be abandoned, it won't let you.

A PM stays in the outbox until it has been read by a recipient.
Once a PM is read, it is then in your Sent messages folder.

If you send a PM to multiple recipients, it will be moved to the Sent messages folder once it has been read by any one of the recipients.
A topic discusses this, HERE.

When you send a PM, you will briefly see this message -
Your message has been sent successfully. It will remain in your outbox until read by a recipient, where it will then appear in your "sent items" folder.

I cannot log in - it doesn't like my password.

Please try the 'forgot password' link on the login page. This will send you an email. The email will have a URL link which you can use to reset your password.

I cannot log in - I cannot remember my USERNAME / I cannot remember the EMAIL ADDRESS I joined with.

Please send an email to admin at bushwalk dot com explaining your issue. If your account details can be located from the detail you provide, your account can have a forced reactivation set. This will send you an email that allows you to recover your account.

Getting the forum time right.

Every time daylight saving comes or goes, you may like to correct the forum time.
On the top left corner just under the logo, click on User Control Panel.
The third tab along the top is Board Preferences.
Second last option is Summer Time/DST is in effect:
Click yes/no as appropriate, then click on Submit.
(You should be able to take the short-cut and click on this Board Preferences link.)
A topic discussing further, HERE.

Help with the Editor.

A detailed topic discusses this, HERE.

How to make an Avatar and add it to your profile.

Another topic discusses this, HERE.

How to Upload and Attach Images to Forum Posts

A detailed topic HERE.

How to Embed Images from other Sites in Forum Posts

Another topic covering this, HERE.


If you can think of other common forum questions you think would suit this topic, please add them below.

The intention of this topic is to be informative, as such irrelevant replies may be removed.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby tasadam » Thu 08 Nov, 2012 7:41 pm

And it goes without saying that you're wasting your time if you plan on using this forum for the purposes of spam. You won't last long IF you make it through our defenses, we have (thankfully) an active bunch of great members who are kind enough to report posts that need moderator attention for all sorts of reasons, not least of which is spam.
It keeps the forum tidy, so keep up the good work re reporting posts or topics that need some action or investigation. Thanks :)
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby tasadam » Wed 31 Jul, 2013 3:58 pm

The question relating to PM's staying in the outbox has been raised a few times recently. Details above.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby DannyS » Sun 16 Mar, 2014 8:43 pm

I was replying to a post and saved it as a draft, now I cannot find it? Could you tell me where it is saved to?


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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Son of a Beach » Mon 17 Mar, 2014 7:05 am

I've not used that feature myself, but I think you go to User Control Panel, then Manage Drafts.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby DannyS » Mon 17 Mar, 2014 11:45 am

Son of a Beach wrote:I've not used that feature myself, but I think you go to User Control Panel, then Manage Drafts.

Thanks SOB that looks like the correct place, still can't find it but no problems I'll re-write it. Thanks for your help.


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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Giddy_up » Mon 17 Mar, 2014 11:50 am

DannyS wrote:I was replying to a post and saved it as a draft, now I cannot find it? Could you tell me where it is saved to?



Hi DannyS, were you using Tapatalk. I have lost many drafts using Tapatalk, as it does not seem to save them at all. :shock:
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby DannyS » Mon 17 Mar, 2014 12:12 pm

Giddy_up wrote:
DannyS wrote:I was replying to a post and saved it as a draft, now I cannot find it? Could you tell me where it is saved to?



Hi DannyS, were you using Tapatalk. I have lost many drafts using Tapatalk, as it does not seem to save them at all. :shock:

Aha! no I wasn't but I was using my iPhone, I was wondering if that could have been the problem?


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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Lophophaps » Fri 29 Aug, 2014 2:17 pm

Can someone please advise if it's possible to subscribe to a thread without posting a message? TIA.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Mountain Rocket » Fri 29 Aug, 2014 3:14 pm

You can certainly do that Lophophaps.

At the bottom of each thread you should see a button allowing you to 'Subscribe' which will email you whenever new responses have been posted.
If you Subscribe and then do not check on the thread the system will not continue to spam you thankfully.

The other option is to 'Bookmark' the thread which is the method I usually adopt. You can view all of your bookmarked threads here: ucp.php?i=main&mode=bookmarks

Hope that helps.

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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Lophophaps » Fri 29 Aug, 2014 4:56 pm

Robert, thanks. it helps but I remain confused. A few minutes ago I opened a number of threads that I had not seen before. All had the "subscribe" box ticked. Is this automatic? I really don't want a barrage of emails advising that there's a new post on a thread, as I can pick this up when logging onto the website. So would bookmarking achieve the same result? On the threads on which i have posted the subscribe box is ticked but I don't get emails. Did I say that I'm confused? I may also have amnesia.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby MickyB » Fri 29 Aug, 2014 5:47 pm

Once you have subscribed to a thread you will get a message 'You have subscribed to be notified of new posts in this topic.'
Once subscribed there will be a 'x' box and an option to 'Unsubscribe topic'
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Nuts » Sun 07 Feb, 2016 10:37 am

Think iv'e made perhaps two reports in the life of this forum, maybe three, certainly nothing overwhelming?
Do reports, like forum content in this section, need to align with administrator ideals?, are they considered on the basis of popularity?
I mean, it's ok, not ideal (to me), and not the rulebook I was familiar with.. but an outcome has been achieved i guess :roll:
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Lophophaps » Sun 07 Feb, 2016 2:25 pm

Nuts, most eventualities are covered by the forum rules, which are applied with common sense and a swag of tolerance. People make mistakes, and unless it's way over the top that's acceptable, at least to me. It's repeats that annoy me.

As most matters are quite simple, moderators can and do act alone. If there's doubt then we can ask each other. For example, I've approved a large number of first posts and disapproved too much spam. There's been a few in the middle, and I've sought advice, with a good result.

The rules are based on other forums and what most people would hopefully consdier to be reasonable. If there's enough push for a new rule or an existing one to be varied it can be looked at. As I found out when setting up the AAWT sub-forum, there's a lot of wisdom out there, and I was easliy persuaded to change my mind. The AAWT sub-forum is better due to this input, and it would probably be the same for comments about the rules.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Nuts » Sun 07 Feb, 2016 2:53 pm

Ha, hi Lophophaps, sorry didn't realise you were moderating, not even a welcome?.. anyhow, good luck.
Sorry, my question was slightly pointed and, while I appreciate your input, was directed at forum admin.

Just to clear it up.. I reported an issue some time ago and waited patiently for a reply.
The report was recently closed, without reply.
I started a topic (so as not to inflame the issue in its original place) and waited (somewhat) patiently for a response.
The topic was deleted, without notice.

The report was reasonable, the topic was an attempt to explain. the topic was concerning constraints to website information so probably not easy, for an editor, but the response, considering such noble goals.. was pretty ironic.

Lol.. I'm probably overstepping the boundaries in discussing moderation.. but.. well, seeing as how there wasn't any...
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Lophophaps » Sun 07 Feb, 2016 4:09 pm

Nuts, I can assure you that yu are not overstepping the boundaries. Fair comment is always welcome, and contrary to popular opinion I do not have a monopoly on wisdom. If you send me a PM I'll look into the matter.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby north-north-west » Mon 08 Feb, 2016 6:52 am

Nuts wrote:Lol.. I'm probably overstepping the boundaries in discussing moderation.. but.. well, seeing as how there wasn't any...

Perhaps there wasn't any because the moderation team decided the issue wasn't worthy of a response?
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Nuts » Mon 08 Feb, 2016 8:33 am

Really? :(

Lop, thanks (i'd never presume to know someone that well from the mere content of a forum).
Can you please just direct the admin to this thread, at your leisure.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby wildwalks » Mon 08 Feb, 2016 3:58 pm

Nuts wrote: I reported an issue some time ago and waited patiently for a reply.
The report was recently closed, without reply.

Hey Nuts
Thanks for raising this -- sounds like I stuffed something up -- sorry.

There were a bunch of reports that I went through and cleaned up last month.
I thought I got back to everyone one, but I could have missed you -- very sorry.
Not sure about the deleted thread -- I would have remembered that one.
Maybe you can PM some specifics and I will look into it more.

In regards to you first questions -- Generally speaking you can report anything, if you provide a detailed reason it helps. We will then assess the content (or edited content) based on the forum rules.
Occasionally (rarely) someone manages say something very unhelpful, that is not a breach of the rules but that I am very uncomfortable with. One example is when there was a person missing and the family was trying to rally people to organise a private search against the police advice. - very rare.

Any PM me more details and I will jump on it. Sorry to drop the ball.

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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Nuts » Mon 15 Feb, 2016 8:22 am

c'mon boss, it's me your typing at.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby iandsmith » Sun 05 Aug, 2018 4:41 pm

Help! I sign into the site, click on gallery and it returns to my sign in page again, and again etc.
The only way I can sidetrack it is to go through the forum.
Next, I tried to upload a small article with pics, clicked on preview and it went back to the log in page and i lost the lot.
What is happening and how do I solve it?
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Lophophaps » Mon 06 Aug, 2018 8:25 am

I'll attempt to find out what is happening and have it fixed. It may be an OS or software conflict.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby wildwalks » Mon 06 Aug, 2018 9:29 am

Hi Iandsmith
Sorry for the hassle mate -- sounds really frustrating.
I have tried to reproduce the issue at my end with no luck. I have had a squiz at server logs and there are some errors around authentication, but not that would cause this.

Can you try this.
Log out of
Log back in making sure you tick the 'remember me' tick box.
then try making a few tests post here

And see if it works okay there. If they work try your original post again (I tend to copy text from large posts just before hitting save, just in case).

Let me know how you get on. Feel free to call me on my mobile if you have no luck and we can try working through it.


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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby GPSGuided » Mon 06 Aug, 2018 6:03 pm

iandsmith wrote:Help! I sign into the site, click on gallery and it returns to my sign in page again, and again etc.
The only way I can sidetrack it is to go through the forum.
Next, I tried to upload a small article with pics, clicked on preview and it went back to the log in page and i lost the lot.
What is happening and how do I solve it?

I'd also suggest,
1) Clear the cache in the browser.
2) Clear all cookies associated with this domain site in the browser.
Then quit and restart the browser.
Just move it!
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby wildwalks » Mon 06 Aug, 2018 6:40 pm

Good Advice GPSGuided
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby wildwanderer » Tue 07 Aug, 2018 9:16 pm

This also happens to me when im browsing the site on my mobile phone. I log in and can usually only browse one or two pages before the log in is 'lost'. It happens everytime on the mobile.

Desktop I have no issue and the log in has been rock solid.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Lamont » Mon 22 Mar, 2021 4:34 pm

I noticed a person locked a thread today. How does a person that started the thread do this? I can't see it as an option. :D
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Locking thread

Postby bearded bushwalker » Mon 22 Mar, 2021 6:05 pm

If it was me I just followed the advice under the guidelines.
Find Walking Companions or Arrange Transport Guidelines

5 Lock threads
When your thread is no longer needed, please lock the thread using the popup menu and button at the bottom right of the topic page. Threads which appear to have expired may be locked by admins or mods without notice."
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby Lamont » Tue 23 Mar, 2021 3:39 pm

That's what I was wondering as there must be the option to lock on some threads and not others.
I've only seen that option on the market section.
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Re: HELP! Answers to common forum questions

Postby wildwanderer » Tue 23 Mar, 2021 8:47 pm

I think the forums have been set up so members can only lock their own topics on certain sections of the forum. Like market square and find walking companions.

If you would like a topic not in those sections locked or moved best to report the topic/post and mods can help out.
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