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Mat Faults, Returns and Replacements

PostPosted: Fri 15 May, 2009 1:17 pm
by Nuts
Admin edit: This topic has been split from elsewhere, which is what this initial post is referring to.

Those Europeans have an eye for quality and detail.
Im trying to resolve a dispute over exped mats atm so im a bit off them as a company but their tents do look good.
keep the receipt though...

Re: advice on 4-season 2-person tent

PostPosted: Fri 15 May, 2009 1:32 pm
by loric
Nuts wrote:Those Europeans have an eye for quality and detail.
Im trying to resolve a dispute over exped mats atm so im a bit off them as a company but their tents do look good.
keep the receipt though...

waa? you too?

My 5 night old exped downmat 7 decided to develop a 4hr leak. Not nice when you're sleeping on snow and have to get up twice in the night to blow that sucka up. Also, the baffle delaminated along a 6" length...
I've returned mine for a wtty review. It'd better pay-up or else i'm gunna be MAD :evil: !

Re: advice on 4-season 2-person tent

PostPosted: Fri 15 May, 2009 3:39 pm
by Nuts
Just out of interest- where did you return the downmat too? Was it the old style twin outlet valves? Inbuilt pump?

Re: advice on 4-season 2-person tent

PostPosted: Fri 15 May, 2009 6:48 pm
by loric
Mine didn't have the inbuilt pump - so i guess it was the old style.
It was brand new though, lasted one three night trip and leaked all of the next trip (two nights).
I returned mine to a shop in Melbourne. The shop is pretty good (has the same name as a big mountain here), and hopefully Exped will be too.

Still a big fan of the design tho. My wife has had hers for 2years (downmat9) and it is COMFY! which is why i decided to retire my ancient 14yr thermarest (which has NEVER failed)...

Let's see what happens. If Exped don't follow through i'll be disappointed.
A big part of why i use a particular brand is the support the manufacturer provides (e.g. WE).

Re: advice on 4-season 2-person tent

PostPosted: Mon 18 May, 2009 10:27 am
by Ent
Contents removed by poster

Re: Mat Faults, Returns and Replacements

PostPosted: Mon 18 May, 2009 4:59 pm
by Nuts
Really dont know what to say, cant say much as its still in the 'process' -will have a lot to say if the 'process' isn't satisfying...
What I have come to realise is that no mattress that requires air' is 'bombproof', far from it. For trust- I would go back to a 'foamy'. I'll be a bit more specific about the exped once it's resolved but I have had the same issues with many brands. I realise some have had XYZ inflatable for many years without problems, but IMO they all live on borrowed time. Ours probably are subject to abuses that wouldnt normally happen (tours) but I think it just speeds up the process. Used Exped, TR, MD, PO, BA (You'll work out the brands but I dont think its of consequence and beside the point). What Ive been pondering is how many people have been left cold (perhaps dangerously) with no successful way to fix them (in the field or back home...)