Golite Peak pack - roll top problem

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Golite Peak pack - roll top problem

Postby dclayw » Tue 13 Sep, 2011 4:00 pm

The Golite packs don't have a traditional lid, they just have cinch cord and a roll top secured by a buckle strap. I don't have much experiece with them but I would expect that even with the top rolled up fairly well the chances of rain getting inside would be fairly high.

Anyway, there is a problem with the Golite Peak in that it has far less material to "roll" then most of the other Golite packs. Seems be a design flaw, although I don't know how they could have got it so wrong. The Golite Jam apparently has 30cm of material to roll up, which is quite a lot. My research led me to believe the Peak had about 17cm, nowehere near as good but probably adequate, could always use a pack cover, which is probably what is needed with all Golite packs if there is heaver rain. The problem with the Peak is well documented, even mentioned elsewhere in these forums.

I decided to buy 2 of these packs from Amazon UK (good price). I knew about the roll top problem but thought I could live with that as the pack had other features I wanted and was the size I was looking for. I bought a small one (for my wife) and a large one (for me). The small one is pretty much exactly as I expected. There is about 17cm of material to roll, measured from the top of the shoulder straps. Note also where the male part of the buckle is attached to the pack, just above the pack size label. This buckle is used to secure the top once it is rolled.


The large one is not what I expected. There is less material to roll, only about 13cm (compare that with the Jam that has about 30cm). The male part of the buckle on this pack is located differently. See the pic. With this configuration it is not just difficult to roll the top and get it to close, it's impossible. If anything I would have thought the larger size would have more material to roll, not less. Looks like the buckle is also located incorrectly. What you end up with with this large size is the material cinched up and a hole pointing towards the sky. Anyway, I'm a bit annoyed now. Kind of what happens when buying stuff online, but I wasn't expecting to get 2 different configurations of the same pack, one with bad design, and what looks like one with bad design on bad desgn.

Anyone else with a Golite Peak? What does it look like and what size is it?

Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu 04 Feb, 2010 12:57 pm
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