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dehydrating yogurt

Tue 01 Feb, 2011 10:21 pm

Has anyone successfully dehydrated yogurt (greek or similar type yogurt)?
And did it taste good re-hydrated?
Would be great to hear your experiences.

Re: dehydrating yogurt

Wed 02 Feb, 2011 9:08 pm

have done greek yogurt, and it did work... however because i had it in the dehydrator along with a couple of wet meals, i had it turned right up and it went a touch brown and changed the taste a little... it did work, but i would sugest making sure its not too hot ;)

Re: dehydrating yogurt

Sat 12 Mar, 2011 7:53 pm

I've dehydrated flavoured yogurt several times. Goes all chewy and tastes great. Never bothered rehydrating it though. Found it was a good idea to line your tray however. Seem to remember my first batch stuck pretty firmly to the unlined tray.

Re: dehydrating yogurt

Tue 30 Aug, 2011 3:56 pm

I've dehydrated fruit yoghurt spread on a fruit leather-type tray and it has been great. Just roll it up like fruit leather and eat it as a snack. I have never actually tried rehydrating it, because we have just eaten it as is.
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