taking dehydrated meals into NZ

Food topics, including recipes.

Re: taking dehydrated meals into NZ

Postby sim1oz » Tue 15 Mar, 2016 8:06 pm

I spent a good few minutes pulling out and showing the inspection guy at Queenstown airport all the commercially prepared dehy food we were bringing in with us and explaining that I usually make my own in Australia but didn't know if I could bring them into New Zealand. He informed me that I could have brought my own home-made dehy as long as it was completely dry. We then had a nice discussion about how much healthier and tastier home-made is... Even now, I don't know that I would risk it getting confiscated as I suspect it depends on the person who inspects your food haul. BTW, we didn't have any of our open packets confiscated on our return to Australia....
Carpe diem!
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