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Felafel mix

PostPosted: Tue 09 Jun, 2009 11:19 pm
by Clownfish
I'm always on the lookout for alternatives to the old "porridge-two minute noodles-pasta'n'sauce" hiking meal regime, and I thought that some sort of felafel mix might be a good idea.

I bought a commercial mix from the supermarket - I forget the brand; it was in a box, and I think the brand might have been NSM - and, as I always like to try them in the safety of the home kitchen first, I mixed it up for lunch on the weekend, and fried 'em up.

Lands o'Goshen ... it was F-ing awful.

I don't know what the hell it was, but something in there tasted midway between a horrible kind of cumin seed and Velvet soap. I couldn't even eat them - straight into the compost.

So, does anyone know of a good felafel mix to be found? Perhaps the ones they sell at places like Wholesome House or Wholefoods?

Re: Felafel mix

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jun, 2009 12:26 am
by corvus
:lol: Fell off the chair :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Why not make your own :?:
I would give you a recipe if I knew exactly what is in it :? :)

Re: Felafel mix

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jun, 2009 12:39 am
by sml_12
I think it's mostly just chickpeas plus some herbs and spices from what I can ascertain...
Oddly enough I was looking at recipes on the weekend. My friend bought some packet mix too. It was... gritty - but bearable. (Not sure of the brand, sorry.)
Looks like it'd be pretty easy to make from scratch though - might be a more pleasant option than the velvet soap/cumin option.

I thought I might give it a burl - it seems simple enough for someone as deficient in culinary skills as I am. If I find something worthwhile I'll let you know. :)

Re: Felafel mix

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jun, 2009 8:32 am
by BarryJ
I just googled "felafel recipe" and there are over 200,000 search results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :oops:

Re: Felafel mix

PostPosted: Wed 10 Jun, 2009 9:16 am
by Clownfish
I've made my own plenty of times, and believe me, I much prefer doing so. Other than for walking, I generally avoid packet foods like the plague.

The problem is not having anything to dry them.