smoking fish

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smoking fish

Postby ninjapuppet » Mon 30 Aug, 2010 10:41 pm

I'm looking for a way to smoke fish on extended hikes.

i know there are numerious fish smokers out there, but I havent come across any that manage to fold flat, like the bemco backpackers oven.
what fish smokers do people here recommend? any info on weights would be appreciated.

I know fish smoking is not light weight philosphy, but i hope to keep it under 3kg.
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Re: smoking fish

Postby sailfish » Tue 31 Aug, 2010 10:02 am

I have only ever smoked fish at home.
For smoking in the field, I think I would try:
Split (butterfly) the fish and prepare it for smoking as normal.
Wrap shavings in foil packet as large as the fish.
Wrap fish and shavings packet together in foil with the shavings under the fish and the flesh side up.
Place on bed of coals etc.

I think the heat and moisture will puff the foil above the flesh to allow the smoke to penetrate it. Smoke flavour doesn’t penetrate the skin as much anyway and I assume we are talking pan sized river fish so I don’t think having the skin down will be a problem. Not having tried this before, I can’t recommend it but I would give it a go before trying more substantial equipment.

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Re: smoking fish

Postby Macca81 » Tue 31 Aug, 2010 3:54 pm

ninjapuppet wrote:I'm looking for a way to smoke fish on extended hikes.

make sure its dry, and use the tally-ho brand filters with the papers. personally tho, i prefer a nice cigar...
geoskid wrote:nothing but the best of several brands will do :)
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Re: smoking fish

Postby SteveJ » Wed 08 Sep, 2010 11:36 am

I have hot smoked fish using just a foil cone with a wire hook inside holding fish and hung over smoldering banksia cones (or timber). The banksia provides a decent flavour. I guess you could also take a tea smoke mix (tea rice and brown sugar) if the Banksia was not available. Heat the tea smoke mix (on foil to prevent mess ) in your billy or pan to create the smoke then hang the fish in the cone over it.

It would not be hard to improvise a small portable smoker with a piece of perforated alloy mesh, two tent pegs and a a sheet of alloy flashing (would weigh bugger all) The cat stove wind shield would be perfect? Now you got me thinking.....

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Re: smoking fish

Postby ninjapuppet » Wed 08 Sep, 2010 6:54 pm

Steve, make it and sell it.
you'll be rich.

There doesnt seem to be anything on the market worldwide at the moment. not mass produced anwyay.
Ive asked the same question in a few forums and no one seems to know of such a product.

Fishermen who hike, tend to carry full sized smokers
Hikers who fish tend to come with cool ingeniuos ways of smoking fish but quite fiddly and my results copying them havent been outstanding.
Products like the bemco backpacker oven revolutionise camping culinaries but unfortunately their marketing didnt seem to be as good as their product's worth.
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Re: smoking fish

Postby Liamy77 » Wed 08 Sep, 2010 7:11 pm

my dad did it in sand by diggin a fire pit then a short channel for the smoke to one side with a stick tripod with brush to keep the smoke in a bit and the flies out... you need a air channel into the fire pit... cover the fire pit...
You can do it without the channel/chimney but watch the heat level.
aluminium foil + outdoors SUCKS.... Unless you carry it out again...
knowledge's lighter than gadgets..but gadgets can be fun!
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Re: smoking fish

Postby andrewa » Sat 12 Nov, 2011 7:01 am

I know this is an old post, but we have successfully smoked those big nz trout multiple times, using foil roasting pans. (one upside down over other), and a light BBQ grill/cake stand in between, all held together with 4 bulldog clips. Since baking my ultralight collapsible grill a few months ago (in DIY section), I'd probably just run bits of coat hanger wire through the roasting pans and the fish, so reduce bulk. The foil pans can be folded down as well, and then you get some additional occupational therapy each evening straightening them up!

Having said all this, we now prefer to BBQ our trout over there, with various herbs and spices , rather than smoke then. I think the best fish to smoke is about 12-14". The ones we catch are 22-26".

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Re: smoking fish

Postby SteveJ » Sun 20 Nov, 2011 10:47 pm

Now your just showing off Andrew.... its a pain when you can't catch small enough trout for dinner :D

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