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GPS Track Files Repository

PostPosted: Mon 05 Nov, 2007 4:07 pm
by Joe
This isn't really equipment..but GPS is...and so thats my tenuous link to this forum.

Im about to set up a GPS track repository for sharing track files with others. Anything and everything from what forestry roads to take to get to start of walk, to the walk itself. Also will have points of interest. The page will be very basic to begin with until i gauge what interest there is and then I will start working on it properly.

So what i need from you guys is track files. Anything and everything you have. EMail them to me at "" remove the LLAMA and Ill get to work getting them all worked out.

Re: GPS Track Files Repository

PostPosted: Thu 20 Mar, 2008 8:23 am
by frank_in_oz
Ht Taswaterfalls, is this still a goer?