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Accessing mountain forecasts on my phone

PostPosted: Mon 22 Jan, 2018 1:45 pm
by Tortoise
Not sure if this is the right spot or not. In the past, i've found a very helpful website, both before (on my laptop) and during (on my phone) a walk. I use BOM, but it's not so useful for higher places, and covers too large an area to be that useful in some places. I know other sites use extrapolations from BOM data, but I find them handy. And one day I hope to be able to read weather maps for myself. Meantime, I was frustrated on the last walk that while I could get to the website, I couldn't get to the actual forecasts. If I scrolled down, it was only scrolling down the map - which kept going indefinitely. Still can't get to the actual forecast on my phone.

Does anyone know what's changed, if I can do anything about it, or have other suggestions for sites with useful mountain forecasts for Tassie? Ta muchly for any ideas.

Re: Accessing mountain forecasts on my phone

PostPosted: Wed 24 Jan, 2018 4:30 pm
by bernieq
Scroll the page, not the map.

Re: Accessing mountain forecasts on my phone

PostPosted: Wed 24 Jan, 2018 6:15 pm
by Tortoise
:roll: :oops: Thanks, bernieq. Just in time for my next trip. Don't know why, but it used to work scrolling from below the map, but it still works if I scroll from above it - thus avoiding the most basic of mistakes. maybe my finger has got fatter!