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Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Tue 06 Oct, 2009 6:28 pm
by tasadam
Further to discussions in the Post Processing topic, the idea has born courtesy of walkinTas that we have a post processing challenge.
So this is how it will work.

HERE is a RAW file, straight from a Nikon D200. (EDIT - challenge ended, file removed).
Download the file (right-click, save as or save target as), give it all the treatment you want, anything goes so long as it is only this image you are working with.
Note that anything goes for post-processing of this image, but copyright of the image remains with me.

Make a note of what post processing techniques you use.
When you are finished, email me with
- the finished JPG image
- an explanation of the post-processing techniques used
- your forum username.

I will send a reply email to all images received so you are sure I have it. If you do not receive a reply email from me within a couple of days of submitting, PM me.

I will gather the images and make a voting poll to be judged by members of the forum.
See my profile for my email address.

The competition begins now and ends at midnight on Wednesday 28th October.

Any difficulties in submitting entries or for clarification on anything, please PM me.

If you use an Adobe program you may need to download and install Adobe Camera Raw. This link may come in useful in allowing you to open the image.

Judging will be done over a two week period once I have set up the voting topic.
No prizes, just for fun.
Once the winner is announced, I will add the post processing techniques used to the topic in the interests of learning more about the "digital darkroom".
The topic will then be open for healthy debate on what people like, what they don't like, and why.

Depending on the success / popularity of the challenge, I will then look for another image from my vast selection and we'll have another go.
The image for this challenge was selected by walkinTas from a shortlist I put together for him.

Have fun!

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Tue 06 Oct, 2009 9:30 pm
by tasadam
As it has been asked, just to clarify one point
tasadam wrote:give it all the treatment you want, anything goes

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Tue 06 Oct, 2009 10:56 pm
by tasadam
Can you believe it, with the challenge being open a mere four hours, I have already received two entries!
Keep up the good work!

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 07 Oct, 2009 12:18 pm
by alliecat
This is a really great idea for a challenge!

I don't have photoshop or any other proprietary photo editing tools available, but I'll be keen to see what I can do with free software like DCRaw and The GIMP. At the very least, it'll be fun to have a play.

Thanks for doing this Adam.


Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 07 Oct, 2009 12:27 pm
by tasadam
And it will be fun to see what different effects can be achieved through techniques, as well as through different programs.

3 entries received so far.

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 07 Oct, 2009 12:30 pm
by johnw
alliecat wrote:I don't have photoshop or any other proprietary photo editing tools available, but I'll be keen to see what I can do with free software like DCRaw and The GIMP. At the very least, it'll be fun to have a play....

Me either, as I've only recently started to look seriously at post-processing. I had a very quick play around with it last night using The GIMP (which I've barely used). I'm sure that I'm doing something wrong but the converted JPEG was extremely small, as was the image viewed in RAW format. When I scaled it up it became very pixellated.

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 07 Oct, 2009 12:36 pm
by tasadam
Sorry, I've never used Gimp, so I don't know what's going on there.
If no-one can help I'll do some googling for you.

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 07 Oct, 2009 12:58 pm
by tasadam
Actually I found this when looking for something else...

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 07 Oct, 2009 8:18 pm
by alliecat
tasadam wrote:Actually I found this when looking for something else...

Ooh, very useful - thanks!

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Thu 08 Oct, 2009 7:35 am
by johnw
tasadam wrote:Sorry, I've never used Gimp, so I don't know what's going on there.
If no-one can help I'll do some googling for you.

Thanks Adam. I'll take a look at those tutorials too, thanks for that. I think I really need to spend more time playing around with The GIMP to understand it. For a bit of freeware it seems to be quite a complex beast. Think I've seen it described as a poor man's PhotoShop or something like that. Looking at the functionality, that's probably not an unreasonable comparison.

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Thu 08 Oct, 2009 10:05 am
by Son of a Beach
johnw wrote:
tasadam wrote:Sorry, I've never used Gimp, so I don't know what's going on there.
If no-one can help I'll do some googling for you.

Thanks Adam. I'll take a look at those tutorials too, thanks for that. I think I really need to spend more time playing around with The GIMP to understand it. For a bit of freeware it seems to be quite a complex beast. Think I've seen it described as a poor man's PhotoShop or something like that. Looking at the functionality, that's probably not an unreasonable comparison.

I once read a very good comparison between the GIMP and Photoshop where the reviewer concluded that the GIMP did pretty much everything important that Photoshop could do except for one thing. I can't remember what that one thing was now... I think it was something to so with colour separation when sending jobs to the print houses. However, it will export to Photoshop format, and I guess you could send that to the print shop, and they can do the colour separation themselves? I don't really know.

I've used the GIMP to do some moderately complex stuff (including scripting it to do some repetitive jobs), but none of it has been what I would call photo post-processing. I usually have to find instructions on the 'net before doing anything complex, as I don't use it often enough to have really learnt it well.

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Thu 08 Oct, 2009 12:10 pm
by johnw
I found a thread on a camera forum that discussed the same issue I have with opening RAW files in The GIMP. It seems that I may need to get something called UFRAW (Unidentified Flying the name :)), which can be used as a plugin for The GIMP. Apparently it can also be used on its own to manipulate RAW images on its own. I'll take a closer look at it when I get a chance.

Son of a Beach wrote:I once read a very good comparison between the GIMP and Photoshop where the reviewer concluded that the GIMP did pretty much everything important that Photoshop could do except for one thing...
Which probably makes it well worth the price :wink:, although I doubt I'll ever use most of the features.

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Tue 20 Oct, 2009 1:58 pm
by tasadam
Does anyone need a hand with anything regarding post-processing the RAW photo?
I heard on the grapevine there was one member who could download and view the image, but wasn't able to edit it with anything...

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Sat 24 Oct, 2009 6:07 am
by tasadam
Only a few days left to enter!

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 28 Oct, 2009 8:16 am
by tasadam
Last day to enter today!

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Thu 29 Oct, 2009 8:45 am
by tasadam
The comp is now closed for entries, I will get the voting post together as quick as I can but it might not happen until Monday because I'm getting ready for a 3 day walk, sorry.
So... If someone was in the middle of PP'ing the image and they get it to me before the poll is posted, I will be able to include the entry.

Re: Photo Post-processing Challenge 1

PostPosted: Wed 04 Nov, 2009 8:47 am
by tasadam
Voting is now open, HERE is the voting topic and discussion.
Sorry for the delay.