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Booking in advance

Tue 11 Jul, 2017 3:51 pm

Another noob question...

I'm looking at booking for a group of 3-6 people to start the OLT in late Feb/early March next year. How much in advance should I book with PWS to guarantee my desired date? When bookings opened up in July the Christmas school holidays were snapped up in a week!


Re: Booking in advance

Tue 11 Jul, 2017 4:10 pm

Hi Joel.

The booking page has the number of spots remaining I believe so you'll be able to keep and eye on your date even if you aren't ready to book.

Enjoy the walk

Re: Booking in advance

Tue 11 Jul, 2017 4:56 pm

Agree with Geevesy but don't leave it too long. It looks like you are trying to get a group organised - a bit like herding cats. At some point you need to set a cutoff date for group members to join or not - and cough up their dough. Book the spaces required at that date and others who can't make up their minds have to live or die by the availability when they finally get their act together. Transport etc can be dealt with after securing your booking.

Re: Booking in advance

Tue 11 Jul, 2017 6:47 pm

Thanks. Was planning on setting my cutoff around mid September. Should be well enough in advance to get my preferred date?

Re: Booking in advance

Wed 12 Jul, 2017 12:54 pm

Keep an eye on the booking page and be prepared to bring your cut off date forward if your preferred time starts filling up. its better to be flexible early than to miss out because you didn't check regularly.

Re: Booking in advance

Wed 12 Jul, 2017 5:12 pm

I walked the track in early March last year and checked the bookings page in late February and early March before I left. I did notice that Saturday through Monday was heavily booked with bookings for the rest of the week thinning out progressively (I think Thursday or Friday was the least booked).

Not sure if it will follow this pattern for next year but if your start date is later in the week you probably be right to book closer to your date (although you will need a keep an eye on it).

Re: Booking in advance

Wed 12 Jul, 2017 5:15 pm

Sounds like I'll have it sorted by just monitoring the booking site.
Now, on to the cat herding!
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