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Tents & Hamocks!

PostPosted: Tue 14 Jun, 2016 4:40 pm
by Aztec
Howdy peoples...
For some reason my daily news feed keeps spamming me with Hammock Tents - I'm not interested in getting one, but it got me thinking - has anyone ever seen or done the OLT with one?
Where the heck would you string it up? :o

Re: Tents & Hamocks!

PostPosted: Fri 24 Jun, 2016 5:23 pm
by Joel
I did the OLT in August a couple of years ago and my best mate took a hammok. He slept in it 4 out of 6 nights and it was no problem to find a couple of trees. Ive done a mid winter multi day kayaking trip down the Arthur river just using a hammok. It's the way to go for sure. I want to buy a fancy exped hammok.
I should mention my mate had been using his hammok for years and I always laughed at him until I tried it out.