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Companions for Overland Track - October/November

PostPosted: Sat 01 Oct, 2016 8:15 pm
by melbourne-walks10
Hello everyone.

I am from Melbourne and in my late 20's. Looking to do the overland track in late October / early November. I have done the track once a couple of years ago and i loved it that much i think that it warrants another go. Due to terrible weather we were unable to climb cradle so that is another reason to have another crack. Due to timing my regular hiking friend are unable to commit. Wondering if anyone is interested in sharing some of the costs etc and enjoying a superb part of Australia.

First post on this site. Wish i knew about these forums when we took on OLT last time. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Re: Companions for Overland Track - October/November

PostPosted: Fri 14 Oct, 2016 5:13 pm
by Lancelotjhy
Hi, I am going to walk the OLT on Nov 4. I will fly from Melbourne on Nov 3 to Launceston. Maybe we can walk together? You can contact me through email: