LISTmap and Android

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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby vieve » Sun 04 Jan, 2015 1:38 pm

icefest wrote:For the NSW people here, this is the xml file to get a copy of the six maps on your phone/gps.

Icefest, I've copied this code into the xml file but it did not work. Any tips? I've only just downloaded orux maps so maybe I just need to play with it some more.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby Rapscallion » Sun 04 Jan, 2015 1:46 pm

Did you press the "update map sources" button?
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby icefest » Fri 30 Jan, 2015 7:18 pm

Did it work?
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby Rapscallion » Sun 12 Jul, 2015 5:14 pm

Hi all,

The LISTmap URL format has changed slightly, and so the .xml files I posted previously for using with MobAC will no longer work!

I have attached to this post a zip file containing new .xml map source files. Put these in the <mapsources> directory for MobAC (replacing the old files) and it should now work (again)!
New map source files for MobAC desktop program
(1.44 KiB) Downloaded 1121 times
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby greyim » Sun 12 Jul, 2015 8:06 pm

thanks for that !
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby Rapscallion » Thu 23 Jul, 2015 1:04 pm

Extra extra, read all about it!

For anyone who wants to open LISTmap in Google Earth, there's a secret special link that allows you to do that with THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK!

TOPO MAPS ... pImage.kmz

100K Scanned ... pImage.kmz

25K Scanned ... pImage.kmz

Open any of those links in Google Earth and you'll get an overlay that will auto-update as you zoom and scroll. Be warned, it's very slow to update!
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby DanShell » Thu 23 Jul, 2015 1:15 pm

Rapscallion wrote:Extra extra, read all about it!

For anyone who wants to open LISTmap in Google Earth, there's a secret special link that allows you to do that with THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK!

TOPO MAPS ... pImage.kmz

100K Scanned ... pImage.kmz

25K Scanned ... pImage.kmz

Open any of those links in Google Earth and you'll get an overlay that will auto-update as you zoom and scroll. Be warned, it's very slow to update!

Good work love it :)
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby CasualNerd » Sat 02 Jan, 2016 12:01 pm

Rapscallion wrote:Hi all,

The LISTmap URL format has changed slightly, and so the .xml files I posted previously for using with MobAC will no longer work!

I have attached to this post a zip file containing new .xml map source files. Put these in the <mapsources> directory for MobAC (replacing the old files) and it should now work (again)!

Mobac is currently not displaying anything from the Topo maps, only scanned and photo. The Topo maps still display in Google Earth. Is there a URL change for the topo maps somehow, or is this affecting anyone else ? They worked a month ago, and I haven't changed anything since loading the new map sources from this post.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby tastrax » Sat 02 Jan, 2016 12:39 pm

Check out this guide - it has all the current URL's and instructions for quite a few programs ... _Guide.pdf
Cheers - Phil

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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby Taiti » Sun 03 Jan, 2016 8:46 pm

Hi all, Been reading for a while, first post here.

I've been using Orux Maps for a couple of years, took it to NZ with offline graphical maps downloaded from their public topographic maps service. It previously shipped with online google maps included, but some copyright issues meant the author removed that config - I could probably dig it out somewhere if people are interested.
Since then I found OpenAndroMaps which uses data from the Open Street Map project and packages it up in sensible chunks with full 20m contours. I've generally found this setup to be pretty darn good. A few minor track errors and a lot of tracks and roads missing, but we can all contribute back to OSM if you want.
I haven't looked at any updates to the MapStyles offered there, but I think I've been using the Mountain Biking skin/style. ... nd-oceania
Tasmania is about an 80mb download - excellent value to avoid creating offline tiles manually.

The overlay information from Rapscallion suggests that we can get the 25k LISTmap info online for free, is that correct?
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby CasualNerd » Sun 03 Jan, 2016 10:59 pm

tastrax wrote:Check out this guide - it has all the current URL's and instructions for quite a few programs ... _Guide.pdf

Thanks heaps, I had no idea all that information existed !
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby waterfallman » Wed 13 Jan, 2016 10:04 am

Hi folks.. This mobac might be working for some, but definitely not for me! I am trying to create a paper pdf atlas or 2 or 3, on my laptop and it aint working.
I downloaded Mobac 1.9.16 and added the tas list xmls in. Then fired it up. Then after much faffing around blindly (clunky interface/no help etc) for ages, I selected Open StreetMap MapQuest source initially so I could even see where I was in the world. Get some graphics up on the screen etc. Then, being used to AutoCAD, I did the usual rectangle selecting and trying to pan and zoom which buggered it all up and I had to start again. Then I finally selected the geographic cords for the NW of Tassie. Chopped the state into a quarter. Planned to do the other 3 quarters later. OK. All good.
Then entered a new atlas, named it, selected the source as List scanned WMS, selected zoom levels 9, 10 & 11. Thought that should give me something.
Although when I played with the show coverage areas for various zooms, I got worried.. the coverage areas seemed woefully inexact and were irregular rectangles. Some were out at sea, others only gave me one small rectangle for one zoom level, not covering my selected area well at all. In fact omitting most of it. And I'm talking about a selected area from state centre, out north then west, to just beyond Woolnorth.
Then I selected 100 on the jpgs. Then added the area I selected. It went into the atlas details pane. ok.
So, I was ready to go. I hit "Create Atlas" and it buzzed away, downloading tiles (forget how many.. a reasonable amount. Only took 1 or two minutes), then created the maps.. wonderful. Then "finished". Ok. Then I went to the directory and checked what I had. It had given me 3 separate pdf files (separate ??) of 6 pages each, and in each of them was exactly... nothing! Well, there was a stylized compass at top left, and some small yellow and green rectangles at bottom, but that's it folks.
That's all mobac did for me.
I stand to be corrected here, (the errors are probably mine) but those results are a crock, and not useful to anyone for anything!
Where did all the nice graphics go, that you see on the List scanned maps? I thought I'd get a nice big pdf of a quarter of the state, that I could zoom in to see all the scanned map details.. roads, tracks, contours, vegetation zones, rivers, etc etc. ????
Any answers?
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby CasualNerd » Wed 13 Jan, 2016 3:45 pm

@waterfallman the results for me were good until LIST Topo went offline and I can't figure out the correct URL any more. If you want satellite just use Google Earth, and I found the scanned maps to be far lesser quality than the topo.

It took me a couple of hours mucking about to work everything out, and each time i tried to export I often had to try it several times changing things till it was right. I just set it to export PNG too, as it was easier to deal with afterwards. I never did work out exactly why it did half of the stuff it did.

I'm going to have a few more attempts to create maps overlaid with KML files I've recorded over the last few weeks and see if I can make printable maps that can be shared. If anyone wants to help, I'd try making a bit of a tutorial up for people.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby waterfallman » Wed 13 Jan, 2016 7:27 pm

Thanks casualnerd.. yes it's all a bit tricky. I do use google earth extensively now, so I shouldn't complain. I guess I'll just have to keep going online to LiST and making pdf's in a piecemeal fashion like I used to. I reckon in about 2 years, I will have covered all I want. lol. cheers.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby CasualNerd » Wed 13 Jan, 2016 9:12 pm

I did use Earth recently with the LIST Topo overlay (which does still work for me) to make a quick screenshot including a KML overlaid. So there's that if you don't need a large area.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby waterfallman » Thu 14 Jan, 2016 7:19 pm

Hi all.. I downloaded the PDFMaps app to my Samsung Galaxy S6 and got couple of freebie maps of the Tas NW and SW areas. Then I got the other two, Tas NE & SE by purchase. Only about 6 bucks and they all look good on my phone and are very colourful and useful. Heck, I even discovered a waterfall with them that I hadn't logged using the LISTmap! Amazing. So all good there.
But.. I discovered another thing to be careful with.
I then went back to LISTmap on the Laptop, and used it to make a pfd of the Meander Falls area, from Lake Huntsman, down to the Tiers cliffs. The scanned WMS info looks good. Then I connected my phone, to the Laptop, and copied the pdf across into the PDFMaps directory that the PDFMaps App automatically created. When I fired up the App, my new pdf was available in the list there. It looked very good as I viewed it and I thought, wow, I can do hundreds of these pdfs, chuck em on the phone, and bob's your uncle! Yes, true, you can do that, but I also discovered that each new pdf you bring up to view into the App is formatted and tiled to suit the App and it results in 72 separate and distinct tiles being created! That's for each pdf you put in! Now, at only 25.3k per tile, that's about 1.8Mb per pdf. Ok, not too bad if you have 128Gb memory on the phone. A 21 pdf/map coverage of Tassie at the low res from LISTmap, would only be 38mb.. but the kick in the backside is.. that from then on, every time you open up Gallery to look at photos, you will see every single tile, from those 21 pdf maps shown there as a separate pic!! That's 1500 or so tile pics that just go on and on forever, as you try vainly to flick through them with your finger! Groan.
It becomes a useability hog of vast proportions. So.. think twice before you put pdfs on your phone and view them in PDFMap!
It's all great stuff, but the drawbacks can be very onerous!
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby nobes » Wed 29 Jun, 2016 3:47 pm

G'day all,

I have copied all the new text into the correct folder for Oruxmaps to run LISTmaps.
All three show up in the map files but no map shows up when clicked on?
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby CasualNerd » Thu 30 Jun, 2016 1:06 am

EDIT: replied regarding the wrong program sorry !

On a side note, you can also create a new XML file, copy and paste that code, but change the URL to
Code: Select all

Which accesses Topo Grey Scale, slightly easier to read maps if you only have a B&W laser printer at home, like me.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby NathanaelB » Thu 11 Jan, 2018 8:59 am

Thanks for posting the LIST PDF guide, there's a section in there specifically for Oruxmaps using REST and WMS; I chose REST which means editing a different XML file from the original method posted in this thread.

When copying the XML from the PDF you have to copy each page seperately (so three copy-and-paste operations) or you'll get the page headers and footers too. And watch for line breaks, that seems to break the URLs.

Or you can copy from here, appended to your onlinemapsources.xml before the closing </onlinemapsources>, current as at 11 Jan 2018 and confirmed working on my Samsung Galaxy S6:

Code: Select all
   <onlinemapsource uid="701">
      <name>LIST Topographic Basemap</name>
      <website><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">LIST Topographic Basemap</a>]]></website>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>
   <onlinemapsource uid="702">
      <name>LIST Orthophoto Basemap</name>
      <website><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">LIST Orthophoto Basemap</a>]]></website>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>
   <onlinemapsource uid="703">
      <name>LIST Topographic Gray Scale Basemap</name>
      <website><![CDATA[<ahref="" target="_blank">LIST Topographic Gray Scale Basemap</a>]]></website>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>
   <onlinemapsource uid="704">
      <name>LIST Scanned TASMAP Basemap</name>
      <website><![CDATA[<a href="" target="_blank">LIST Scanned TASMAP Basemap</a>]]></website>
      <httpparam name=""></httpparam>

The REST service is fast :)

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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby ghosta » Wed 11 Sep, 2019 9:35 am

Old topic...Software has obviously changed as this does not appear to work any more....Heads up if your like me and come to this thread through google search.

Orux Maps now costs $4.50, and changing the xml file does not make list maps show in online tab unfortunately.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby ghosta » Wed 11 Sep, 2019 11:06 am

Correction..use instructions on this thread from NathanaelB dated 11 Jan 2018.

When ammending XML file the text from the post does not replace existing text, it is inserted into the file towards the end of the file.

The list maps are hidden underLAYERS/ WORLD....
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby Brekel » Tue 15 Oct, 2019 3:06 pm

ghosta wrote:Orux Maps now costs $4.50, and changing the xml file does not make list maps show in online tab unfortunately.

You can stil get it free direct from the Oruxmaps site. It was taken off Google Play because apparently it violated some policy. But the $4.50 "Donate version" helps support development of a great app.
Listmaps are working fine. REST maps are quick and great, WMS is a lot slower but you can access/combine information from a lot more layers if you're after something specific.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby tastrax » Fri 18 Oct, 2019 1:11 pm

maybe this is the issue for Oruxmaps ... iation.pdf

Also note they are all now https not http
Cheers - Phil

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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby tastrax » Fri 18 Oct, 2019 1:51 pm

I think this should get the maps for you

Code: Select all
<onlinemapsource uid="701">
<name>LIST Topographic Basemap</name>
target="_blank">LIST Topographic Basemap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>
<onlinemapsource uid="702">
<name>LIST Orthophoto Basemap</name>
href="" target="_blank">LIST Orthophoto Basemap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>
<onlinemapsource uid="703">
<name>LIST Topographic Gray Scale Basemap</name>
href="" target="_blank">LIST Topographic Gray Scale Basemap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>
<onlinemapsource uid="704">
<name>LIST Scanned TASMAP Basemap</name>
target="_blank">LIST Scanned TASMAP Basemap</a>]]></website>
<httpparam name=""></httpparam>
Cheers - Phil

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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby bogholesbuckethats » Fri 18 Oct, 2019 2:49 pm

Cheers Phil.

I can find the LIST layers on the app but cant get them to load. any ideas?
That looks like a pad.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby Warin » Fri 18 Oct, 2019 3:11 pm

Those circular arrows may mean it is trying to load them .. got an internet connection?

At a 5 km scale it may take a few tiles... zoom in a bit and it may then only load one tile and be a bit quicker.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby bogholesbuckethats » Fri 18 Oct, 2019 3:40 pm

Warin wrote:Those circular arrows may mean it is trying to load them .. got an internet connection?

At a 5 km scale it may take a few tiles... zoom in a bit and it may then only load one tile and be a bit quicker.

Have tried zooming in to 100m scale and still the same. None of the LIST maps will load on 4G or over wifi but the other online maps load fine.
That looks like a pad.
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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby tastrax » Sun 20 Oct, 2019 6:52 am

I cant think of a reason why - we may have to wait for LIST to update their documentation which is somewhat out of date ... _guide.pdf

Can anyone else confirm the issue?
Cheers - Phil

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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby tastrax » Sun 20 Oct, 2019 7:04 am

Cheers - Phil

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Re: LISTmap and Android

Postby Brekel » Sun 20 Oct, 2019 8:13 am

The change from imageserver to mapserver that is in that document doesn't appear to have come into affect yet, as I was using ImageServer (it use to work better on some of the maps).
I've just checked and both still work, but I just changed to MapServer in light of the doc.
The attached image shows the maps I regularly use from Listmap, all work fine. I can post my mapsources file if anyone needs it.
Screenshot_20191020-102855_OruxMaps GP.jpg
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