General info...ongoing.
Two tier entrance fee, around $2 for locals & $10 for westerners like me.
Everything is lush & green. Expect warm temps, humidity & afternoon storms.
Walks are generally short which is fine in this heat & humidity. Longer walks are usually guided.
Accommodation & camping sites available inside & outside park. There's usually a restaurant or food stall within walking distance. $2 - $4 meals.
Tents can be rented.
Weekdays are quiet, not a soul to be seen.
Make sure your vaccinations are up to date. Malaria to your Gp.
Bottled water for drinking & a portable bidet that fits those drinking bottles, comes in handy if your caught short somewhere.
Thai toilet system doesn't like toilet paper, so get used to washing your crack by hand...hand sanitiser afterward of course. If my 10yo son can learn to do it anyone can. He's a pro now.
On your way to Np's, 7/11's are everywhere & have all sorts of stuff from nail clippers to bottles of whisky.
Don't expect to buy a packet of Uno cards to fill in a couple of hours on a rainy day. It's not a 'thing' over here, bring your own.
Make sure your fly/ mozzie net has no holes...
A small, el cheapo, mutispeed usb driven fan is a goodsend at times, lasts until the cooler early hours...BigC or Lotus (our Woolies or BigW equivalent) have them or find them in the numerous market stalls.
Local sim card is way cheaper than Roaming.
Couple of teaser pics to follow when I get decent phone coverage.
Ooroo for now...
Namtok Chat Trakan & Thung Salaeng Luang Np's..