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Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Tue 16 Jun, 2009 9:29 pm

Found it - Up on Cathedral looking down at the lake. I have the same photo angle and you have use a fair bit of zoom.
Here's the one I took from there -
from-cathedral.jpg (52.11 KiB) Viewed 93914 times

Looks more like you might have been heading down from Cathedral, or is it the zoom playing tricks on me?

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Tue 16 Jun, 2009 9:34 pm

Thats it!
Well to be more specific it was taken from that peak you climb just before you get to Cathedral Mt, (coming from tent tarn) which is the highest point before you head down slightly toward the cliffs..

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Tue 16 Jun, 2009 9:52 pm

That was a tricky one, because that peak is unnamed. But I remembered it - the islands in the lakes gave it away.

OK So here's another one.
Where am I?

And a clue
Remembering that the eTrex is not renowned for getting this measurement 100%
How high?
pan2b.jpg (38.05 KiB) Viewed 93906 times

If no-one gets it soon I will post the picture of the whole GPS.
I was thinking about being funny and posting just the picture of the GPS :D
Thought better of it. Tech heads would enter the measurements into one of those map programs without ever being near it...
Have fun!

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Tue 16 Jun, 2009 10:06 pm

that's mt olympus with that dip in the middle there, and if thats geryon on the left, then you must be up mt hugel
hmm i should really shut up now, someone else feel free to post
Last edited by Nick S on Tue 16 Jun, 2009 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Tue 16 Jun, 2009 10:08 pm

Correct. Away you go again!
No need for the full GPS photo, then.
I'm out of here for the night. Ciao!

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 8:29 am

darnit! I got those last two straight off when I saw them, but I'm too slow to log in this morning. :-)

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 9:13 am

I'll take Nick up on his invitation to an open post & put a something a little harder up.
You'll recognize the outlook easily enough, but where am I standing exactly???

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 10:13 am

Mt Remus?
It's a tricky one. Looking at the map I'd say Mt Remus, but judging by the altitude you appear to be at, I'd say Sumer Spur.
I'll stick with Remus.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 10:23 am

Nope, think muuuch further south.
Clue 1 - the summit I am on is at 1012m.
Clue 2 - it's not Cradle Mountain in the distance.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 10:35 am

Blow. It sure looked like Emmett behind it, so I was working out the angle on the map, thinking it's more like the southern end of Sumer Spur.
Maybe it's PB but sadly it's been way too long since I've seen it from that angle, so I don't know.
Stab in the dark, moonlight ridge spur 2. If no-one else wants to get stuck in on those generous clues I'll have another go when I get home.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 10:44 am

You're on the money on spotting PB, but the location is a little more obscure.
I am looking pretty much due south at PB from this one.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:14 am

Not sure this is an "obscure" location, but I suspect you are on Adamson's Peak.
And "Mt Emmett" is actually the Ironbounds seen end on. Must admit, I have never seen that profile before.
stu - you cannot be serious about "due south" can you?
PB runs North-South, so looking due south to it would show a much narrower profile?


Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:23 am

Hmm - just looked at a map and Adamsons is not 1012!
But the bump out past Adamson's - named MESA on the map is at 1012 - so I will say its from MESA?

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:23 am

Ill have a stab and say the photo is taken from Mt. Bisdee? Could also be from Mt Mesa as the height given would fit the 1012m? but would have thought that Bisbee and Victoria Cross would obscure the peak from there.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:31 am

edit: looks like Egss has beaten you by a matter of seconds Michael, sorry.
Eggs, you are up again!

edit 2: Here is the full pano south (ish) from Mesa, which I initially thought might make it too easy to pick.
South from Mesa.JPG

I think I made it too easy giving away the summit height, a quick check on thelist making it too easy to pick :(
Last edited by stu on Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:37 am

lol was just about to post that eggs got in before me!! maybe next one :D

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:39 am

Have a go at this one

It is a bit different (let me know if I am stretching the rules)
West from the track in the saddle below Sirius and the first rock pillar is on the side of Procyon
Last edited by eggs on Tue 03 Aug, 2010 7:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:44 am

It looks very Western Arthurs... but its difficult to identify an exact location. I'd have to dig out my old WA prints to try to match up any of those photos.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:49 am

Son of a Beach

you could also check out the galleries on this site.. probably not so many to get through then

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:49 am

Agreed, looks like WA. Not having done the traverse I don't recognise the scene. but will guess Beggary Bumps.
No harm in guessing.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:49 am

...and I do recall that you entered a great photo of Lake Oberon (in the WA) in the December 2008 photo competition - the same month this photo was taken. So I'm now confident its in the Arthurs somewhere.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:53 am

Looking back west from Mt. Sirius?
That.s Square Lake down below you & Procyon Peak behind, & Mt. Hayes behind that?

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:56 am

Son of a Beach wrote:...and I do recall that you entered a great photo of Lake Oberon (in the WA) in the December 2008 photo competition - the same month this photo was taken. So I'm now confident its in the Arthurs somewhere.

Starting to think like me - tactics!

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 11:57 am

Not quite. Mt Sirius is one of the tallest in the Arthurs and would be looking down.
But that is close enough - it is actually right on the track in the saddle below Sirius and the first rock pillar is on the side of Procyon.
So over to you stubowling

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 12:01 pm

Ok, this one will require some detective work.
No clues this time!
mystery 2.jpg

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 12:10 pm

Taken from Mt Jubilee? definantly Mt Anne, Lot and Sarah Jane with the snow on top, looks about the right angle. Or maybe from Nevada Peak a little further south?

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 12:14 pm

From the high point of the Jubilee Range, same range so close enough Michael!
You're up!

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 12:15 pm

My guess

EDIT - Yes I was on Mt Field West for that one.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 12:15 pm

Oops, too late.
Didn't know its name anyhow.

Re: Game - "Where am I ?"

Wed 17 Jun, 2009 12:18 pm

Not, not Mt. Mueller range Adam, close (nice view down on to Wherretts Lookout there, from Florentine Peak or Tyenna Peak, or Maybe Field West?).

Michael was close enough, it's the summit of the Jubilee Range, a couple of k's south / south west of Mt. Jubilee.
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