Has anyone noticed or know any of the history of changes to named features in the Budawangs?
I have an old, but not that old, map that has completely different names for several prominent places.
For example it shows:
Mount Renwick for Mt Owen
Mount Roswaine for Mount Cole
Mount Fletcher for Donjon Mountain
Mount Pataird for Shrouded Gods
Mount Irambang for Mount Mooryan
The Sugar Loaf for Wirritin Mountain
Angels Falls for Crooked Falls
There are also some features with minor variations of name:
Bibbenluke Walls (Mountain)
Corang Hill (Peak)
Mount Tairn (Tarn)
The map is Natmap 1:100000 Ulludulla. I would have bought it early 1990s, but it is a 1984 reprint of a 1975 publication. Still, this seems pretty recent for these things to be in flux and earlier editions of the sketch map use the more familiar names.
Of course none of this is terribly important. Gee whiz someone decided to name a bunch of things after a different bunch of, presumably, old white blokes. But I have been curious about it for thirty years so I thought this would be a good place to put it out there.