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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.
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Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Fri 12 Nov, 2010 2:33 pm

I was booked in for an overnight walk at The prom this weekend. The weather forecast is terrible. Heavy rain and flood warnings for some areas. Obviously it's less than desireable weather for an overnight hike. I called their office to say I would like to transfer my booking to a new date. I was told this could only be done with at least 7 days notice. *&%$#! disgraceful in my opinion. Encouraging people to head out in adverse weather conditions..... Surely Parks Victoria must have some duty of care. Pure revenue hunting in my opinion. It's not about money for me......

I wrote them this letter of complaint. It will be interesting to see what their response is:

"I would like to make a formal complaint regarding Wilsons Promontory National Park. I have booked an overnight hike for this coming weekend 13-14 Nov. As you may know, there has been heavy rain and thunderstorms forecast throughout Victoria this weekend. There are also flood warnings for parts of Victoria. I called through to the Parks Victoria office at Wilsons Prom to see if I could transfer my booking to another weekend. Given the weather conditions forecast for Saturday, I definitely don’t want to be out doing an overnight hike. The staff member advised me that bookings can only be transferred with 7 days notice. I feel this is completely unacceptable. It is very difficult to plan outdoor excursions around a weather forecast and give 7 days notice! I also would have thought Parks Victoria would have had some duty of care for the public. By not refunding or transferring bookings when there are flood warnings, you are effectively encouraging people to go out into the outdoors in adverse weather conditions. Is this really a responsible act by a government organisation? This seems very much like a revenue hunting exercise!

I regularly use many of the National Parks in Victoria and am more than happy to pay the fees associated with using them, but I don’t believe I should be punished for making a wise decision and choosing not to go out when there are flood warnings.

I'm aware that recently you have eliminated the entry fees for many of the National Parks including Wilsons Prom. I notice that the overnight hiker fees have not been eliminated or reduced at all. Essentially you eliminate fees for some people and then make up for it by robbing others.........

I would appreciate a response and resolution to this matter.

Kind regards."
Last edited by leithel on Mon 15 Nov, 2010 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Fri 12 Nov, 2010 4:07 pm

excellent letter.

In my workplace, I deal, respond and resolve complaints in the transport industry. A lot of complaints can be fairly involved and require lots of investigation. However, this seems pretty straight forward on the surface. This is indeed a safety issue and comes down to "duty of care". Maybe a policy change needs to be introduced here for common sense about weather warnings etc. Then again, Parks Vic don't control the weather.
I personally, would be very suprised if you did not recieve some compensation or the offer to transfer your booking. (the only problem with that is whether subsequent weekends are booked out - being summer and all)
I don't think Parks Vic would be that unreasonable upon a closer look at your circumstance.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Fri 12 Nov, 2010 9:30 pm

To be honest, I dont give a stuff if I get my money back or not. I just think they should in change their policy for the the safety and enjoyment of the public. I want to see a change for the better. I would understand if this was a commercial accommodation operator......

The same would apply if there was extreme heat forecast. 38-45 degrees is not safe weather to be out bushwalking in and I'm aware that many National Parks are closed when there is extreme fire danger.

My new office has relocated to Bourke St in Melbourne (less than a block away), so if I need to, I can always make a physical visit to their head office.
Last edited by leithel on Mon 15 Nov, 2010 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Fri 12 Nov, 2010 9:59 pm

Contents deleted by poster.
Last edited by Kevin on Fri 24 Dec, 2010 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Mon 15 Nov, 2010 9:58 am

Go Leith! You have a completely valid complaint and your letter says it all really. Make sure you let us know their response please! Sorry to hear your hike didn't work out (a bit glad I couldn't come along now though).

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Mon 15 Nov, 2010 10:31 am

The thing that bothers me is having to book at all outside the peak seasons. Most of the time it isn't necessary - there just aren't that many people hiking that the camp sites are full. I've hiked the Prom a few times and I have never booked and never had any problems, although I haven't tried during summer school holidays. So, ring before leaving, are there spaces? If yes, go hiking, if not, go somewhere less crowded.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Mon 22 Nov, 2010 8:47 pm

So this is the response I got from them:

"Thank you for your letter regarding a transfer of your hike to Refuge Cove. Due to the circumstances presented, Parks Victoria is willing to offer you a transfer of $16.00 to another date of your choice.
Please contact us on 13 19 63 and quote reference number xxxxx to redeem this offer"

Not really what I was after. I really did want them provide some thoughtful response to my concerns. I guess it's easier for them to offer a refund than it is to attempt to justify their revenue hunting policies.
Turns out I went an did the walk this weekend and the weather was prefect. Unfortunately I had already booked and paid for the hiker permit before I received this email. I booked on Thurs night and had not problem getting a spot at Refuge Cover. Sealers cove was booked out though. Sealers is def the more popular campsite due to it being closer,making it a good option for people with kids.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Wed 24 Nov, 2010 10:08 am's a bushwalk, if you cannot be prepared for the worst that can happen in the outdoors stay at home in front of your television and watch Bear Grills.

Parks Vic cannot control the weather ... if you think it is too bad to go then you make the judgement call.

Minor Moderation to remove personal attacks.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Wed 24 Nov, 2010 10:40 am

Moondog, I really think you've missed the point mate... This is about having penalties in place for people who make that judgement call

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Wed 24 Nov, 2010 11:26 am

The seven days notice thing sounds a bit like arbitrary bureaucracy; though understandable I guess that they don't want people making bookings just in case they feel like going then cancelling at the last minute but there should be an exemption for unforeseen circumstances. I seem to recall this is how the Overland Track fee works - you can get a refund if you're sick etc but not if you just change your mind.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Wed 01 Dec, 2010 7:55 pm

Moondog55's a bushwalk, if you cannot be prepared for the worst that can happen in the outdoors stay at home in front of your television and watch Bear Grills.

Parks Vic cannot control the weather ... if you think it is too bad to go then you make the judgement call.

Minor Moderation to remove personal attacks.

Mmmm. Wonder what the personal attack was? Maybe he got aout of the wrong side of the bed that morning. What's Bear Grills?

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Wed 01 Dec, 2010 8:16 pm

I font remember seeing any personal attack.

He means the tv show Man vs. Wild... Bear is the host. Good for a laugh if you ever come across it.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Thu 02 Dec, 2010 6:48 pm

Yip seen it. A little fake and overdramatized. Theres another show on Discovery which is much better: Survivorman. He has no camera crew and he does all the filming himself.

Re: Parks Victoria cancellation policy

Thu 02 Dec, 2010 7:06 pm

Yeah that's why I said good for a laugh. Sounds like the one you're talking about would be cool though.
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