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Lerderderg Gorge

PostPosted: Sat 04 Jan, 2020 11:31 am
by justak
Hoping that someone who knows Lerderderg Gorge can advise.

Back in 1970 when I was 14, me and two senior scouts set out to hike down the Lerderderg Gorge. The river was flowing well and we walked down quite some distance before coming to a race of water between two large rocks only seemingly 6 - 8 ft apart. Tossing a large rock into the racing water resulted in a splash, wait, wait, wait before a clunk from it hitting the bottom was heard.

Looking downstream all that could be seen was sheer cliffs down to a wide body of calm water. I climbed the hill on the eastern side to higher than the top of the cliffs and there was no sign of any track. Heading back upstream there was a crossing to the western side but no ongoing track.

We went back to the road crossing and camped there the night, walking out on the road in the morning and then hitching a ride into Bacchus Marsh. We told a porky and said we had completed the hike through the gorge.

I was talking to a friend’s son just last night and he said he hiked the gorge a year or two ago, that it was dry and that the track is the riverbed for a goodly portion of the hike.

So for 50 years I have been thinking we were a little lacking adequacy because we didn’t finish the hike because we couldn’t find the track. Now it seems the track was probably underwater!!

If anyone recognizes the place from my description, it would be appreciated if you can offer any information on where it is, where the track goes, where alternate tracks go etc.

Thank you for your time.

Re: Lerderderg Gorge

PostPosted: Thu 16 Jul, 2020 5:08 pm
by commando
Any references ? like entry points, rough location, or names of tracks etc? otherwise its too vague