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Map Jaithmathang to Fainter FT

PostPosted: Mon 17 Jun, 2024 12:17 pm
I am looking for assistance from anyone who may have a map of the route from Mt Jaithmatang north to Fainter Firetrail. BTAC plan to clear a route through here after winter. SV and some other maps have an indicative line of roughly where it goes. Parts of it have a definite footpad but in other parts, regrowth has completely obscured the route. I would appreciate if anyone can point me in the direction of anything semi-official, to assist us in taking the best line.

Re: Map Jaithmathang to Fainter FT

PostPosted: Mon 17 Jun, 2024 8:25 pm
by JamesMc
Will this be an official Parks Victoria-sanctioned working bee?

If so then surely PV would have a GPX file or similar???

Re: Map Jaithmathang to Fainter FT

PostPosted: Fri 28 Jun, 2024 7:13 pm
by paidal_chalne_vala
I have walked that route last decade but it is now very overgrown as is the route from Tawonga Huts up to the summit of Mt. Jaithmatang.
I hope to be available to take part in the working bee.

Re: Map Jaithmathang to Fainter FT

PostPosted: Mon 01 Jul, 2024 12:40 pm
by stry
Eyeball the topography and follow your nose. :)

Re: Map Jaithmathang to Fainter FT

PostPosted: Mon 01 Jul, 2024 1:45 pm
by eggs
I don't remember any real track through there - but really quite open going - like stry says.

Re: Map Jaithmathang to Fainter FT

PostPosted: Sun 07 Jul, 2024 6:17 pm
by north-north-west
Ditto. It is (in my increasingly out-of-date) experience, a straightforward line-of-sight walk, no vegetational challenge.