SA, WA & NT specific bushwalking discussion.
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SA, WA & NT specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.


Postby damon_james » Tue 03 Sep, 2013 8:14 pm

The Coastal Plain Walk could be a world class short trek a stone’s throw from Perth city – but it wasn’t.

THE BAD NEWS: Parts of track torn up by trail bikes; Track poorly marked in places; Huts vandalised.

THE GOOD NEWS: Worth the effort anyway. The best part of this trail is that no one's on it.

THE UPSHOT: The Coastal Plains Walk Trail is not for everyone, but it's great fun for those who like a real adventure, embrace a challenge, can handle a bit of discomfort & uncertainty, and who want to go trailside for a 3 day adventure in near isolation an hour or so from Perth. If you're feeling precious then just drive to Yanchep National Park and buy a Fanta along with everyone else - it's easier.

Here we have a 3-day moderate grade 4 trek over beautiful undulating coastal scrub, quiet and isolated for the most part, less than 1 hr from Perth CBD. On paper this is fantastic!! By all accounts this should make for a hugely popular weekender-plus-one for bored office workers everywhere, and others wishing to experience the more exciting side of Perth (i.e. the bush).

Walking it you will encounter coastal scrub & low bushland all of which are groovy in their subtle ecological variants, pleasant pine plantations (whispering trees), a boring road & a shooting range, a clearfelled area looking like a Hiroshima memorial, more lowland, tuart stands on tertiary dune systems, a very nice wetland system, a burnt out car, and finally your hot meal & cold beer at Yanchep Inn. You may also see a kangaroo or three, as in BIG kangaroos, as in Kangasaurus Rex.

As a seasoned solo walker I am used to all sorts of terrain. I readily appreciate barren deserts. I can easily deal with flies and snakes and heat and the West Australian Bush, every aspect of which is deliberately designed to kill, maim, stab, cut, scrape, trip, bite or poison you. This is Good Fun.

But YOU carry 20kg over 60km and 3 days, slugging it through soft sand which has been ripped up by trail bikes, nervous about what is going to tear around the corner and knock you off your feet at 70kmh, and see how YOU feel. I for one felt a bit threatened, anxious, disempowered and annoyed. Which is not what I wanted to feel after 3 days in nature.
Good Leg Work.jpg
Good Leg Work.jpg (42.01 KiB) Viewed 36153 times

Whatever. That aside, the Coastal Track actually still a pretty cool walk, either solo or with a BC (Brave Companion). In fact if I had a BC to distract me from fantasies of assaulting bogan bike riders then it's likely I would have enjoyed the walk even more.

Day 2 is undoubtedly the best day of any 3-day trip. Day 2 is MY day - a spiritual sanctuary: No phone calls, no vehicles (except for a short roadside stint), no follow-up emails, no management reviews, no friend requests from old high school classmates I was secretly hoping had died in a tragic automobile accident unfairly robbing them of their burgeoning adulthood...just a blissful day to keep one's own company, to consult with the Gods, to walk, breathe, walk, one foot after the other, meditate, have fun feeling superior, win shouting matches with people that aren't there etc... Ah the serenity.
Sunset at Ridges.jpg
Sunset at Ridges.jpg (15.02 KiB) Viewed 36153 times


DEC suggests walking from W-E, but this is a terrible idea: Firstly, and most importantly, this makes no philosophical sense. Walk to the West, follow the sun, look to Ra (or Jah, if you smoke dope and wear colourful beanies), and march in triumphant after a not-insubstantial 3 day excursion with a hero's welcome and a lakeside stroll into the oasis of Yanchep NP with it's hot showers, very respectable restaurant, relaxed heritage pub, ice cold beer, sponno hotel & budget accommodation, good-looking backpackers etc. and you will feel like King Arthur being carried into Avalon by a boatload of Faeries. Or do it the other way around and end up in a deserted back street outside Bullsbrook staring at a dumped TV set, skid marks and broken beer bottles. Your choice. Kinkade's Paradise or Dante's Inferno. Whatever blows your hair back, really.
Coastal Trail - Southern terminus.jpg
Coastal Trail - Southern terminus.jpg (43.5 KiB) Viewed 36153 times

The second big reason the walk works from E-W is that your friend-with-a-car can easily be persuaded to drop you off on, say, Friday morning, and willingly pick you up from Yanchep NP on Sunday Afternoon, if tempted by the offer of a scrumptious meal and drinks at the Yanchep Inn Sunday session, lolling about on the lawn with live music. Well, you could even get a bit squiffy and stay the night at the Inn :wink:

And the third reason - if you are in a group - is that potentially you could park all your cars at Yanchep NP and persuade the Inn publican to ferry the whole group to the Bullsbrook start point 60km away in the Hotel's courtesy Bus. Get your best negotiator to negotiate a meal & shower deal at the end of the track ($15 bought me a shower and a cold beer courtesy of the house :P ) . This also neatly avoids leaving cars in a deserted back road of Bullsbrook, which is not a good idea if you like your car more than you like the Bullsbrook locals.


Start at the Bullsbrook end. As a sign of things to come, the trail head is non-existent and you will have to work it out. The "map" has you starting in the middle of a back road somewhere, and this is about as good as it gets. Quite unceremonious really. Keep walking in the direction you think you should be walking and you'll come to a transmission line trail where you'll see (if you look hard) an actual marker. Continue this guessing game until the track is complete :wink:
One Man - One Mission.jpg
One Man - One Mission.jpg (29.8 KiB) Viewed 36153 times

The one and only map of the Coastal Walk Trail ... hep_np.pdf (a cute A4 brochure from Yanchep NP visitors centre, Map Stores etc) is an exercise in laughter. If you're used to maps that are accurate and reliable then prepare to embrace uncertainty and mature a little as a bushwalker on this trek. This is a Good Thing, because hey, it's the urban hinterland, and how lost can you really get?

Having said that, track markings are quite often burnt to a cinder, overgrown, upside down, meaningless or more often simply not there. This also goes for the track itself. You will reach your destination via a combination of intuition, deduction, bravery, persistence, reading the landscape, and sitting down on a log and having a good hard think about what the hell this stupid track might be doing. My best advice on this trail is to keep a mental note of your distance and marry it against the direction the map indicates you should be travelling.

I do NOT leap to a compass, a GPS or even to a map every time I'm lost. I can stand about an hour of stomach butterflies before I consult a map. Some people wait until they vomit in fear. Most of my friends are so soft they vomit if they lose their phone, or walk further than the shop. To me there's real satisfaction in being lost and working it out, so persist and you'll emerge a better person :D


1. TIMING - this is a 3 day walk / approx 60km total / 20+20+20 / walk SE-NW / day1 Bullsbrook-Moitch /day2 Moitch-Ridges / day3 Ridges-Yanchep / forget anyone's recommendation to stay at Prickly Bark hut - this hut makes no sense from a walking perspective and DEC themselves are considering deleting it.
2. HUTS - this is a hutted track with open huts a-la Chateau Bibbulmun / there was nobody in any of the huts in winter 2013 when I walked, and there weren't a lot of entries in the log book (maybe 1 per month, almost all daywalkers) / I did not read any E2End log entries.
3. WATER - there are water tanks to each hut / Moitch Hut had a vanadlised water tank so no water and a short panic / one call to Yanchep NP rangers on 93037759 and I had a case of 24x600mm springwater delivered within an hour with compliments - YAY!!!! (and thanks, and phew!) Note you will need about 3/4 case of water for each person if the tank is cactus.
4. REGISTER - DEC have a sign-in walkers register for the Coastal Plains Walk Trail E2E walkers. Register your details at McNess Visitors Centre in Yanchep National park. I sent them an email (because I started in Bullsbrook not Yanchep). Amazingly, and to DEC's credit, they called me on day 4 to make sure I made it out in one piece.
5. PHONE - full coverage. So turn it off. Keep in mind the phone will be handy to call DEC if the huts have no water, or to check your position on GPS if you get lost.
6. TRACK SPEED - moderately fit walkers will maintain 3.5-4.5 km/h actual track speed with walking poles. Rate this down 25% without poles. Allow 1hr for lunch etc which will increase your overall speed.
7. GREEBLIES - this walk was done mid-winter / nil mozzies / nil flies / nil snakes (only an old track under one of the huts - check under huts before you settle in) / lots of ticks. This in itself is never a problem so don't get freaked. The ticks did not seem very aggressive but were everywhere in the bush due to the local kangaroo & livestock population. No ticks at huts. If you sit down for lunch then check your legs & waist every 15 minutes. Carry some toothpaste to suffocate the tick off your skin if one decides it likes you.
8. BOGAN LOTTO - If your luck runs out and you see people trail-biking on the walk trail or staying at the huts with vehicles etc. call Yanchep rangers and they'll sort it out. The rangers are typically never more than an hour or so away.
A Not-so-Useful Trail Marker.jpg
A Not-so-Useful Trail Marker.jpg (41.88 KiB) Viewed 36153 times


1. The Usual - of note:
    1. Water - allow 1L per 4km, or 5-6L per day / see track notes above
    2. Earplugs - You will sleep. You might love the bush but your body doesn't know that.
    3. Candles - tea lights / always good for hutting / light to carry / good for reading and nice to look at
    4. Medicals - most important items are crepe strapping for snakebite, anti-chafe balm (sandy walks can get hot), and heel strapping to prevent/treat blisters. I also use Skins sport shorts and Icebreaker sock liners to mitigate blisters & heat rash.
    5. Fly net - for your head/hat / in spring & summer months / flies can ruin a walk / also keep in mind that if you plaster yourself with repellent then you will deprive yourself of the olfactory pleasures of bushwalking because you'll smell like a DEET factory
2. Long Pants or Ankle Gaiters - This is a sandy and scrubby track and you will be constantly emptying your boots and picking nasty spikey things out of your socks if you are without ankle gaiters. Even in winter I prefer gaiters to pants because it makes for cooler walking. Gaiters will also help save your feet blistering from sand friction inside your boot.
3. Head Wear - the Coastal Plains Walk has low mallee scrub most of the way. Not much shade. Wear a hat. In cooler weather I prefer a visor which I swing around to the sunward side because I find it cooler, although the top of my head is exposed.
4. Walking Poles - The only valid excuse to attempt this track without poles is if you don't have arms. Walking poles are essential for the following reasons:
    1. Propulsion - Poles will increase your track speed, typically by about 25%. The correct way to use poles is to walk like a quadruped: plant the spike of the L POLE level with your R HEEL. Plant the pole any further forward than this and you are pushing against yourself, cancelling your own inertia. Then PUSH BACK on the pole so as to propel yourself forward. They're not just there to hold you up - USE your shoulders and your upper torso. This is of course vice-versa for R pole/L heel. Always use 2x poles - using one pole is like riding a bike with one pedal.
    2. Load Sharing - Poles split the load between your upper and lower body muscle groups. The benefit of load sharing is that you can feel your legs, walk around like a normal human being and say hello to your friends without screaming "LEGS!!!! MY LEGS!!!" after 3 days of soft sand walking. As well, your body as a whole gets a better workout.
    3. Fending Off - Poles come into their own when you are working dense scrub, or even light scrub. As you walk, you plant the pole directly behind the foliage you are about to leave your skin on. The pole fends off the plant and the top of the pole follows your hip as you breeze by without a scratch.
    4. Spare Eyes - I admit this is the reason I love poles the most. I would regularly come home from an expedition having seen little except the ground a couple of meters hence. This pissed me off for years without knowing it, until finally I bought a set of poles for the Overland, and then a miracle happened... "I CAN SEEEE!!!!" Now I walk like Stevie Wonder, looking sideways at an awesome vista (Ok well not quite like Stevie Wonder) whilst listening tearily to Phillip Glass etudes pretending it's the score for my first blockbuster movie (etc, etc)
    5. Stability - This goes for any terrain from easy Class 1 to technical Class 5 tracks. The Pleasure Principle is a highly individual thing, derived from an equilibrium between track speed and sight-seeing. Each is a different type of meditation. Some like it fast & punchy; some love it slow & drifty. In either case, you are walking at your preferred limit and the last thing you want to concentrate on is tripping over. Fatigue also increases trip risk. Poles assist with stability no matter what the terrain or where your head is at. They've saved my skin many times. So you can concentrate on going fast; or going slow; or directing your next imaginary blockbuster; or figuring out what type of poison would work in the coffee machine when you return to work on Monday; or what to reply to your Boss when he asks you why everyone in your organisation aside from you is so useless; or how to fend off the sex-starved model that will be hopelessly infatuated by your witty repartee at the next hut. (Hmmm... did I mention I did three days solo in direct sun?)

All that said, it was good fun. I recommend the Coastal Plains Walk Trail for anyone who embraces a challenge, can handle a bit of discomfort & uncertainty, and who wants to go trailside for a 3 day adventure in near isolation an hour or so from Perth.

And as always, if you don't do it, you won't do it. So do it.

Cheers, Damon 0408225333
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Postby gayet » Tue 03 Sep, 2013 9:02 pm

Excellent report. Covered all bases and despite the trials, you obviously enjoyed. Try to protect the top of your head a bit more though. The fantasies may take over once you get into spring and stronger sunlight.
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Postby Intrepid Hiker » Fri 06 Feb, 2015 10:11 pm

Excellent write up Damon, everything I needed to know. I have been thinking of doing this trail, I rang the Park Office this afternoon and they confirmed most of what you mentioned in your report, vandalised huts, possibility of not finding water etc. Anyway this is probably not a good time for this Track with very high temperatures and the threat of fires.

Thanks again mate, well written review.
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Postby damon_james » Sat 07 Feb, 2015 3:53 am

Cheers Big E :) Sorry to hear that your March Bib E2E plans went up in smoke. Oh well there's always Winter & Spring :)

You might be right about the timing of the Coastal Plains Trail. It' not so much the high temperatures, which (if you can handle the heat) can be adjusted for, but the CPT is mainly low bushland and mulga scrub, so there is not a lot of shade over the course of a three day walk. In summer this can get a little but too uncomfortable for hours & days on end. The last time I did the CPT temperatures were in the high 20's/low 30's. This was fine but I wouldn't have wanted it any hotter.

I wouldn't count fires as a prohibitive issue on the Trail because the scrub is not very dense, so any fire coming your way could in all likelihood be walked through. There are quite a lot of fire breaks along the way as well.

Cheers for now mate.
Happy trails, Damon
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Postby hikingrite » Mon 30 Sep, 2019 1:43 pm

Haha, Spot on man. I also found this trial to have all the fore mentioned: the good, the bad and the sandy. SOOOOOO SANDY. I had a great time, despite my aching feet giving up on me (so many blisters - you will 100% need liner socks and very well fitting shoes).
Anyone who lives in Perth and enjoys hiking should get on this trail - it's a great weekender.

For my experiece in blog form visit ... -s-for-you
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Postby Skarnkvinna » Tue 28 Sep, 2021 7:03 am

Just wanted to post a recent update, as this thread contains some of the only good information that I could find about this walk online. Ive just done most of the walk and whilst the original posts are spot on in most respects, but a few things have changed that might be useful for folks to know.
Firstly, I took the advice above and started at the southern end, however it now begins on Nieves Rd (Prickly Hut part has indeed been decommissioned) where you kinda have to know where you are going to pull over as it’s not particularly obviously from the road - there is a metal bar/gate, and a large sign board, but you can’t see the sign from the road. It’s easy enough to work out from the maps. Main changes to the track: there are NO TANKS at either Moitch or Ridges huts, so carry your own water. I contacted CALM before I went and they said there might be water at Shapcott, but that they couldn’t guarantee it. ( I ended up cutting my walk short due to a number of reasons including weather, being unwell and lack of water, so I cut back from Ridges Hut directly to Yanchep via the Cockatoo Trail, so I didn’t make it to Shapcott to check out the water situation).
Trail is exactly as described by others - well marked to start with, then pretty awful around the rifle clubs. Some lovely soul has put up pink flagging tape to mark it out in this area, but that is getting old and faded, and I still lost the trail in parts and ended up walking along the road - all part of the fun! A bit disconcerting to have been walking along a road for some time to reach a point where the red warning flags for the rifle club are up though? Was I in danger of being shot? Ignorance is bliss!
Moitch Hut was fine, Hut itself in good nick, some evidence of local bogans using as a party spot, but nothing too outrageous.
Day2 hike - stunning wildflowers, more shooting clubs. Huh. Trail after Perry Road is still terribly sandy and chopped up by trail bikes. Some lovely bits, ever changing array of wildflowers and birds. But also long stretches of hot dry sand. Trekking poles were so handy - thanks to the original poster for recommending as I wouldn’t have thought to take them otherwise and they made things a lot more comfortable!! A lot of the areas marked as pine forests on the TrailsWA map and in previous notes have now been harvested or burnt, which makes for a desolate and hot afternoon walk across wastelands. Also I found this walk much hotter than it really was - late September, temp only 24 or so, but a combination of the sand, no wind, sun, and probably me being at the tail end of a bad cold, meant that I got through my water a lot quicker than I normally would. Could hear some trail bike riders nearby on this section, but didn’t run into them. Got to Ridges Hut and someone has stolen the entire picnic table. (Also note that the old concrete fire rings at both huts have collapsed and been replaced with metal barbecue type thingies). Shocked and dismayed by the amount of illegal dumping in the bush on this leg of the trip. It’s not a track that builds your faith in humanity…
But there are lovely bits and it’s always good to see new places. Just don’t go expecting the beauty and the same level of upkeep as the Bibbelmun/Cape to Cape. This has a different flavour and you need to delve a bit deeper to find the things to appreciate about it.
Thanks to those that posted above - you really helped me plan my trip well. And all I have to do now is go back and finish off the last leg - might do a one nighter from Yanchep NP to Ridges and back down the other arm of the Cockatoo trail - just to knock it off!
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Postby EGM » Fri 09 Feb, 2024 11:32 pm

Any more recent updates on this track? Is it still worth doing with Perth suburbia creeping so much further north?

It's extremely close to where I live and it's hard to imagine a decent track so close. Definitely would be waiting for it to cool off a bit first though.
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