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Limmen NP Hike

PostPosted: Tue 25 Jul, 2017 5:47 pm
by backyard_botanist
Recently completed an overnight hike in Limmen NP which is a massive park in the NT along the Gulf of Carpentaria and appears to be largely unexplored (hiking requires a permit from the rangers). I started the hike from the Western Lost City which is approx. 30km off the main track down a 4wd track. The western lost city (pic below) is an eroded sandstone rock formation, which apparently occurs when silicone is dissolves in the rock during the wet season and sets hard during the dry season and the softer rock inbetween is eroded away.

western lost city

From the Western Lost City, I headed south down a ridge line to Miracle Waterhole (pic below), which is a stunning waterhole full of freshwater crocodiles with steep cliffs either side.


From Miracle Waterhole I continued south to a gorge in the ridgeline known as Limmen Gate and made camp for the night (pic below).


Despite it being the 'cool' time of year day time temps were still in the mid 30's and the morning had some humidity about it. I started with 6l of water but was half way through it with a 12km day ahead of me so first thing in the morning I decided to head to a creek 500m from the ridge line in search of water. The creek had dried to small pools most of which looked un drinkable, eventually I found a larger waterhole which looked good to drink but had wait in line behind a few feral Buffalo (pic below)


After a nervous stand off the Buffalo ran away and let me fill up my water bottles. From the Limmen Gate I set a NW course across the flats to the next ridgeline to some more amazing rock formations (both pics below)



After stopping for lunch in the middle of another 'lost city' formation I stumbled across some ochre hand prints and wallaby tracks on the underside of a large overhang. Being in a place which has probably not changed much in the last 300 yrs really gave me a feel for what life would have been like for the indigenous people of the area back in the day, an amazing thing to stumble across!

Following the art work and rock formations I bee lined back to the western lost city, while doing so I encountered several more Buffalo and a large pig but managed to spot them before they saw me and gave them a wide berth.

All in all it was an amazing couple of days, although given remote nature of the area (>300km to the nearest anywhere!), the hot conditions and abundance of large feral animals I can completely understand why hiking in LImmen NP is by permission of the Rangers at Nathan River Ranger station only.