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Montezuma Falls

Mon 25 Oct, 2010 7:38 pm

Went to these falls yesterday with a group. Pretty good sight at the moment. The track is a little sloppy at the moment . Also the gravel road at the end has some huge potholes , so perhaps be careful with low to the ground car. One unexpected attraction was a group of Chinese guys with rock specimen hammers and ...machetes . So all in all good flow at the moment.
P1000529.JPG (26.83 KiB) Viewed 8521 times

Re: Montezuma Falls

Tue 26 Oct, 2010 6:08 am

Yes, I went there 3 weekends ago and it was pumping then too. A good track, well worthwhile. Like you say, there was a little mud but nothing bothersome unless you're wearing sneakers or something. Didn't see any leeches. Interesting to see someone has taken up residence in Williamsford, with a caravan parked on some land there.

Re: Montezuma Falls

Sun 31 Oct, 2010 3:58 pm

Haven't been in there in a while. A great set of falls to see when they're really going off. I'm reliably informed that when they're at full flow you can't stand at the viewing area without getting drenched.

Did you know that after dark the bank alongside the track has heaps of glow-worms in it (well, presumably they're there during the day too, but that's not the point)?


Re: Montezuma Falls

Mon 01 Nov, 2010 7:42 pm

If some of this weekend's rain fell there , these falls would look even better now .Thanks for the gloworm info. Reminds me , there is 1 particular mossy bank where the water cascades over it like a gentle shower , that could be where they are.

Re: Montezuma Falls

Mon 01 Nov, 2010 8:27 pm

Chrisbulldog wrote:If some of this weekend's rain fell there , these falls would look even better now .Thanks for the gloworm info. Reminds me , there is 1 particular mossy bank where the water cascades over it like a gentle shower , that could be where they are.

If it's in the last quarter of the walk, that would be it.

That said, walking out of there in the dark isn't exactly recommended.


Re: Montezuma Falls

Wed 03 Nov, 2010 6:16 pm

It's a short, flat, level, wide track, mainly dry underfoot. Why not walk it in the dark? The one and only time I've been in there was at dusk. No sweat. Didn't even need a torch to find my way out.
No gloworms, though. :(

Re: Montezuma Falls

Thu 04 Nov, 2010 8:36 am

north-north-west wrote:It's a short, flat, level, wide track, mainly dry underfoot. Why not walk it in the dark? The one and only time I've been in there was at dusk. No sweat. Didn't even need a torch to find my way out.
No gloworms, though. :(

But I might fall... and chip a nail or something! :P

Re: Montezuma Falls

Fri 05 Nov, 2010 7:45 pm

Take an emergency bottle of polish and a nail file. You'll survive.

Re: Montezuma Falls

Wed 06 Jun, 2012 8:53 pm

I walked in here two weeks ago. A bit of a wet day but the track was wet, but ok. Made it in within 50minutes as we were running short of light. Got some great shots of the falls and headed back out.
One thing to be aware of, the road in is rough and as stated potholes are a plenty.

Re: Montezuma Falls

Thu 07 Jun, 2012 8:51 am

Did the glow-worms come out for you in the low light? Walked out in the dark a few years ago and the bank is full of them.


Montezuma Falls

Thu 07 Jun, 2012 2:51 pm

No glow worms but some leeches!!!
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