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cape pillar take 1

Mon 12 Dec, 2011 6:22 pm

What started off being a great day quickley started to be a nightmear lol

we started off the walk at 8.30am at fortascue bay, we decided to hit the hardest park of the cape piller treck first mt fortascur via cape hauy. we made out way to cape hauy and left our bags at the top of the track and made our way to cape hauy where we took some great photos and a got a realy idea of what was ahead, the weather was great sun shine all around.

we had made our way back to our bags and had a quick bite to eat, then made our way on to mt fortascue, on our way up to the summit my hiking buddy which has compleated a couple of 3 day walking in tassie started to get leg craps i just told him to suck it up, but this ended up being the worst thing i could do, the cramps got so bad that he could no longer walk and he was is intense pain, i just thought that this would be something that would pass,, but after about 40mins i made the desion to go run back along the trtack untill i got phone reception.

after a couple of falls and splitting my finger open i finally got phone reception, after calling 000 they redirected me to police rescue and the intials plan was to send someone in from fortacascue bay to asess the situation.. so i made it back to my mate where he was still in alot of pain. after telling him what happened we herd a noise in the distance i was like thats a helicpopter hes like im so embarresed lol..... with in 30mins off first hearing the helicopter it was right above us.

it was very thick vegitation so the helicoper was unabble to lockate us untill i litt a small fire in which the smoke gave our location to the helicopeter. they winched 2 people down to us which heled our mate to the cliff where he was air lifted out. i decided to walk out to my car which i did nt get back to till 9.30 at night.

i would like to say thanks the westpact helicopeter and anne at 000 to helping up on that day apprestiaon beond words
helicpoter on the way out

Re: cape pillar take 1

Mon 12 Dec, 2011 7:45 pm

I can appreciate the pain your mate must have had.

I severely cramped my legs climbing the side of a steep spur 4.5hrs into a Rogaine down in the ACT (Rob Roy Nature Reserve). When the cramps hit, I started zig-zagging more and did stop several times. I think if the spur took longer to level out, I would have had trouble making it to the top.

Nasty country and the worst cramps I've experienced. I also hit a wall physically that day. Fortunately my legs recovered enough for my team of two to get to the finish (5 minutes late). I was hobbling to the finish.

I hope your mate has no serious damage that will require a long recovery.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 10:28 am

Yes we where half way up mt fortascue when it happened, and it was at least another 3 hours to the bare knoll where we intended to stay the night. He is fine now I think it was a one off cheered mate

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 11:30 am

Good old SAR helicopter, it's nice to know they're always there when you need them.

From someone who gets evil cramps, don't go out without some first aid for this sort of stuff - in particular, Hydralite or similar.

A sachet of that and some massaging from you (go on, don't be shy :wink: ) would've sorted him out in about 15 mins.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 12:53 pm


sounds full on.

hope it stays a one off ... and never happens to me

:-) a.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 6:31 pm

Yes it's never happened to me touch wood :) tanks hydralite sounds great cheers mate

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 7:17 pm

You called in the Rescue chopper for a case of cramp? Have neither of you ever learned anything about First Aid?

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 7:26 pm

tassiehiker wrote:started to get leg craps

Gotta hate those leg craps. Very messy.

north-north-west wrote:Cramp?
You called in the Rescue chopper for a case of cramp? Have neither of you ever learned anything about First Aid?


Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 7:37 pm

north-north-west wrote:Cramp?
You called in the Rescue chopper for a case of cramp? Have neither of you ever learned anything about First Aid?

+2. Didnt want to get involved, but after a few drinks, what the heck.... so close to the carpark too. I'd really think twice about my walking career if I were you guys and stick to the playstation.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 7:54 pm

I dunno, those playstations can also be dangerous in the wrong hands :)

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 9:45 pm

After a recent conversation with a paramedic friend of mine I am very surprised that they sent in a chopper. He had been in the ambulance headquarters of a large town in Tasmania when a EPIRB had been set of on a decent track within a couple of hours walk from a car park and ambluance officers had been sent in to check the situation out (these where officers who had volunteered for such a situation). I do not know the outcome or the emergency from that case, but surely this one would warrant a simlar response? I suffer from cramps occasionally when walking and I have learnt how to mange them (yes I sweat alot when walking and gatorade or hydrolyte helps reduce to risk of cramp massively) But I have never thought them to be life threatening or to a point were I couldnt get myself to a road.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 10:23 pm

Bananas can also be good for cramp. Maybe they should've sent the banana-copter?
bananacopter.jpg (15.78 KiB) Viewed 20965 times

Re: cape pillar take 1

Tue 13 Dec, 2011 11:12 pm

tassiehiker wrote: i just told him to suck it up

Thats the way. Sounds like you over analysed it after that. Only additional action I can think of is getting him a stick to clamp his teeth on, and then walking out of earshot while he got his @#$t together. :)
If I had the cramp, I would not want my mate to call 000.
Anyway, glad he survived.

Edit - changed chopper to 000. (fair point Swifty).
Last edited by geoskid on Wed 14 Dec, 2011 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 12:29 am

hold on peoples...don't get too critical...wowwww just a minute..

tassiehiker wrote:after a couple of falls and splitting my finger open i finally got phone reception, after calling 000 they redirected me to police rescue and the intials plan was to send someone in from fortacascue bay to asess the situation.. so i made it back to my mate where he was still in alot of pain. after telling him what happened we herd a noise in the distance i was like thats a helicpopter hes like im so embarresed lol..... with in 30mins off first hearing the helicopter it was right above us.

doesn't sound to me like t'hiker "called in" a chopper. It was sent in. fair go! The police rescue appear to have made the decision, according to what I read.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 4:42 am

Swifty wrote:hold on peoples...don't get too critical...wowwww just a minute..


Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 4:44 am

Cricky me talk about some negative energy on here. We never set of a plb and it was police rescue that send the helicopter in. He only reason they didn't send someone in from fortascur bay was because it was around 4 at night and buy the time someone walked in from fortascue and assessed the situation. It would have been to dangerouse for a lift out from where we were. And at the time I didnt know what was wrong with him.
Swifty wrote:hold on peoples...don't get too critical...wowwww just a minute..

tassiehiker wrote:after a couple of falls and splitting my finger open i finally got phone reception, after calling 000 they redirected me to police rescue and the intials plan was to send someone in from fortacascue bay to asess the situation.. so i made it back to my mate where he was still in alot of pain. after telling him what happened we herd a noise in the distance i was like thats a helicpopter hes like im so embarresed lol..... with in 30mins off first hearing the helicopter it was right above us.

doesn't sound to me like t'hiker "called in" a chopper. It was sent in. fair go! The police rescue appear to have made the decision, according to what I read.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 4:53 am

north-north-west wrote:Cramp?
You called in the Rescue chopper for a case of cramp? Have neither of you ever learned anything about First Aid?

+2. Didnt want to get involved, but after a few drinks, what the heck.... so close to the carpark too. I'd really think twice about my walking career if I were you guys and stick to the playstation.

Play station what the *&%$#!... Iso close to the car park????????? 4 hours away from from the carpark at 4 at night????? I'm nt gonna try and walk a person out of there with nt knowing actually what's wrong with him,

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 6:16 am

Lets not automatically get too defensive here either.
An opening post like that will get commented on, and for good reason - there is something to contemplate and learn from.
From what was written, the chaps condition was known - Leg Cramps.
Yes, I've had them - excruciating pain.....for a little while.
As long as Tassiehiker is now up with causes and cures, we have a positive.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 6:48 am

Ok thats fair enough, they did send the chopper in, it wasnt asked for.
But the Mt Fortescue I know of is about a 5hr return walk on a good track. I'd personally crawl out on my hands before ringing 000.

But thats just me. Each to their own. Glad no-one was seriously hurt.........

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 6:50 am

I'd like to know if they were properly prepared? First aid? Head torches? Etc?

People wander out without the faintest thought to "what if it all goes to hell" apart from "I've got my EPIRB/SPOT/phone, I'll be all right". These sort of posts need to be interrogated, so others can learn from your misfortunes and/or mistakes. I've been involved in a SAR extraction (ILUV posted a thread about it) and it was a flapping mess, but everyone involved learned something, and importantly those that made errors of judgement learned some important lessons.

This particular topic always raises the hackles on this forum. If you'd done a search (and rescue? har har) first you'd understand what to expect. I'm willing to believe you didn't request the heli, but still, you may have been able to do more to solve the situation without reverting to calling 000 for something so mundane.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 7:05 am

But the Mt Fortescue I know of is about a 5hr return walk on a good track......

4 hours according to the book I just looked in.
I have thought for a while that experienced bushwalkers should be contacted for advice in such situations. They could even volunteer to walk the paramedic into an area, my wife is a volunteer ambulance officer so why not have speciality volunteers for cases like this?

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 7:09 am

Yes i was being generous with my times....

I had some friends that used to do this kind of thing Doogs, track runners trained in first aid. They would run into the location to see what the situation was and assist how they could. Probably too many potential lawsuits these days waiting to happen though.... still in situations close to civilization like this case, it's not a bad idea.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 7:16 am

ILUVSWTAS wrote:Yes i was being generous with my times....

That's funny, you're usually too short. :wink:

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 9:35 am

tassiehiker wrote:We never set of a plb

No, you called 000 - pretty much the same thing - a person letting authorities know they are in serious or life threatening need of assitance, which you weren't.

Ok, I can accept that you were acting in what you thought was a responsible way, so hopefully you learn from what has happened. IMO, firstly, as inexperienced walkers you should have had at least 4 in a group; that way one person could stay with the patient while two walked out (if there was a serious incident). You are also much less likely to panic if you have another person to reason with.

Secondly, even if you didn't know your friend had cramp (only that he had severe leg pain), you should have made a rational decision to camp overnight where you were (or close by on flat ground) and reassess the situation in the morning. I have known many walkers to sprain ankles and become stranded for a couple of days before they could walk again. I hope you had enough spare food to last an extra day or two for if this was needed.

Thirdly, a bit of research before hand on wilderness first aid would have alerted you to the risk of cramp (along with sprains, snakebite, cuts, burns etc) on bushwalks and what to take with you and what to do for it if it occurs. Then, assuming you were carrying rehydration salts of some sort (eg. hydralite sachets), the cramp would have been easily treated.

I do hope that this doesn't stop you wanting to go on bushwalks in the future, from your previous posts it sounds like you are quite keen, but please take some time to learn the basics. A good place to start is to join a walking club (eg. Hobart Walking Club) and join some walks with some experienced members. Most are only too happy to pass on some valuable knowledge.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 9:38 am

doogs wrote:
But the Mt Fortescue I know of is about a 5hr return walk on a good track......

4 hours according to the book I just looked in.
I have thought for a while that experienced bushwalkers should be contacted for advice in such situations. They could even volunteer to walk the paramedic into an area, my wife is a volunteer ambulance officer so why not have speciality volunteers for cases like this?

More like 3hrs...

Doogs - I believe all such calls go to the police S&R - and are vetted by those guys whom I believe are experienced bushwalkers.
I knew a few of the police S&R guys, I think they're regular cops with an interest in bushwalking.
I've run into them a few times out on the track.

But by the time you get a group together and get down to Fortescue and walk in there its going to take hours... not so good if it really is a medical emergency.

Bit embarrassing if it is just cramps... and you end up with the entire cavalry being called out.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 7:00 pm

ollster wrote:I'd like to know if they were properly prepared? First aid? Head torches? Etc?

People wander out without the faintest thought to "what if it all goes to hell" apart from "I've got my EPIRB/SPOT/phone, I'll be all right". These sort of posts need to be interrogated, so others can learn from your misfortunes and/or mistakes. I've been involved in a SAR extraction (ILUV posted a thread about it) and it was a flapping mess, but everyone involved learned something, and importantly those that made errors of judgement learned some important lessons.

This particular topic always raises the hackles on this forum. If you'd done a search (and rescue? har har) first you'd understand what to expect. I'm willing to believe you didn't request the heli, but still, you may have been able to do more to solve the situation without reverting to calling 000 for something so mundane.

Hey mate yes we where well equipped. Just sorta panicked the first hike with this dude and all of a sudden he can't feel his left leg... Now of what I know of cramps that can happen to anyone at anytime just about. I now pack some of those hydrazine packets in my bag :-) cheeres everyone for the constructive critasium :-)

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 7:11 pm

That's the way, good humour and all!

That sorted, Ollster, that is pretty funny :lol: If they take orders, i'll have mine choc dipped with some king island cream
Last edited by Nuts on Thu 15 Dec, 2011 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Wed 14 Dec, 2011 7:36 pm

tassiehiker wrote:Hey mate yes we where well equipped. Just sorta panicked the first hike with this dude and all of a sudden he can't feel his left leg... Now of what I know of cramps that can happen to anyone at anytime just about. I now pack some of those hydrazine packets in my bag :-) cheeres everyone for the constructive critasium :-)

Good stuff! I usually only get cramps when I'm in poor condition, I expect it's the fat marbling leaving the muscles...

Well, always a learning experience. I must admit if someone said they couldn't feel their leg it would probably put the wind up me too.

And nuts, yes, the bananacopter is real. It's powered by unicorn dreams and low-calorie fairy dust.

Re: cape pillar take 1

Thu 15 Dec, 2011 7:55 am

Do have the odd unicorn dream but been a while for the fairy dust :)

Re: cape pillar take 1

Thu 15 Dec, 2011 8:58 am

If only the unicorns had a plb
unicorns_extinct.jpg (57.91 KiB) Viewed 20773 times
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