Mount Rogoona

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Mount Rogoona

Postby PeterJ » Sun 27 Apr, 2014 5:30 pm

A bushwalk where I fell into a creek, missed the intended track and took a photo of a snake without realising it was there.

The walk was to Mount Rogoona via the Jackson Track, a way we had been in 2011 and found quite pleasant. There are a couple of steep sections but plenty of good views, initially of cliffs and then of Rogoona and other mountains once up on the high valley leading to Lake Myrtle. At the crossing of the creek flowing out of Lake Myrtle I was almost over the creek with just one more log to step on, when it rolled over and had me stumbling in vain to get balance. The result was a stagger into the creek followed by a tumble into the water. My trousers were pretty wet and splashed shirt. Wet clothes and time now 4:30 made the decision to stop at Lake Myrtle to camp more enticing and remaining sun dried my clothes off well.

After a fairly cold night the morning was sunny setting off the lake and Rogoona from the attractive camping area. The intention was to walk to the high point of the valley though to Lake Meston, but not far along the track we spotted a rock cairn and followed it and the next one before realising that this did not seem right. Nevertheless we decided to continue this way and found it to be easy enough to ascend, with the rocky spots not a problem. A small attractive valley with a tarn was reached and from there we were on the known route to the summit.

1-IMG_9551 Mount Rogoona from valley.JPG
Mount Rogoona from valley.

During the part of the walk over a ridge and past some more tarns leading to the top, I stopped to take one particular photo of a creeping pine. It was not until viewing the photos back at home, that a snake was distinctly visible in the foreground of the photo which was quite close to where I stood to take it. Admittedly it was only a whipsnake, but it sure came as a surprise that I hadn’t realised it was there.

Although by now it was somewhat cloudier, the views were still good. Our return was by the originally intended route along the gently descending plateau, where snow gums gradually found conditions suitable to grow, and finally along the delightful valley leading back to Lake Myrtle. The mix up spot was reached and it was easy to see why the rock cairn mislead us.

The morning of the walk back on Jacksons Track started with valley mist rolling around the area, but fortuitously the tent site remained in the sun. Quite good time was made with the route back all either flat or downhill.
An album of selected photos is on the web at this link.
Last edited by PeterJ on Sun 27 Apr, 2014 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mount Rogoona

Postby PeterJ » Sun 27 Apr, 2014 5:33 pm

It must be ages ago Doogs was suggesting people post walk reports and only now have I finally gotten around to putting one up. The walk was in April this year.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Mount Rogoona

Postby Scottyk » Sun 27 Apr, 2014 7:16 pm

Nice pics and report. The campsite at Lake Myrtle is really a special spot
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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