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Mt Weld 31mar-1 apr

PostPosted: Mon 02 Apr, 2012 8:18 pm
by iaindtiler
I'll start with a positive; Mt Weld, it ridgeline, lakes Lobster and Trout and the unnamed tarn are a lovely spot .The unnamed tarn makes a great high camp, with decent protection from 2n a half directions. The views to the east and north are quiet good , nice, but unfortunately the best view is west and south west , and that i missed. Negative; its a rather unfriendly cutting grass and scrub bash to reach the delights!!!!

The saturday morning started early with a decent drive thru the forestry roads and a clear(ish) sky.

The start of the track is tagged as below and leaves you with an instant impression that the cutting grass is there to welcome you and acompany you for the next hour 45.
start of track
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After the flat push thru the cutting grass with patches of mud, a nice little creek (easily crossed) tells you the end of the cutting grass , and the start of uphill thru relatively open dogwood and rainforest terrain. A few climbs over and slides under large fallens adds to the climb. After about an hour the vegetation becomes very dense scrub, with pandani, scoparia and snow gums. Very overgrown and dense and you are punching holes thru and over and at times reaching complete blockage and a little detour is needed. Care is needed here to follow the marker tape. At this point i had a boot malfunction , but the strapping tape came in handy, as did all those wasted hours of youth watching Mccuyver haha.
The scrub bash
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After an hour of the scrub,a small rise is reached and ahead is some open flat land which was a WONDERFUL site at this stage. Also the first clear views of Mt Weld and its range are the reward
Open land and the Weld range :-)
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From here the walking is relatively open, except for a few little patches when climbing the creek that is the outflow of the unnamed tarn. From this point you are looking at about an hour n half to the tarn , which was the camp location for my night
unnamed tarn(1089m) with Mt Weld out of shot , top right corner
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From the tarn i beleive it is 2 hours return to the summit of Weld.

Now i knew the weather was not going to be perfect and the change rolled in just after the tent was pitched. Was well prepared and equipped so rode out a fairly windy ,wet night. Did get a small break late afternoon to do a little exploring. Not enough time to summit Weld tho. But when morning rolled around , the sun put on a morning display
good morning ; Lakes Trout(foreground and Lobster and the Weld range

But before i had time to prepare to summit Weld the weather again said no , thick fog. Being more of a view person than a peak bagger, i accepted defeat and packed up for the hike out. With more of an idea of what to expect and more preparedness, covered multi layer head to toe, the return only took five hours. All in all a nice spot once out in the open on the high ground , but a fair slog thru nasty grass and dense scrub make for a challenge , mental aswell. Glad tho another expedition is in the books. Iain.

Re: Mt Weld 31mar-1 apr

PostPosted: Mon 02 Apr, 2012 11:12 pm
by stepbystep
haha, welcome to SWTas, imagine what it was like when the cutting grass was actually hard to get through, and imagine it without a pad!!!

Mt Weld 31mar-1 apr

PostPosted: Tue 03 Apr, 2012 8:03 am
by tasadam
Great report, thanks for the story of your journey.

Re: Mt Weld 31mar-1 apr

PostPosted: Tue 03 Apr, 2012 8:49 am
by doogs
Nice little trip. Shame about the weather, you'll just have to go back to check out the views another time :)

Re: Mt Weld 31mar-1 apr

PostPosted: Tue 03 Apr, 2012 12:07 pm
by stu
Yes, not much of a scrub bash these days from all accounts...there have been quite a few parties through there this season to trample things down.
Great walk, I wish I had spent a night up there now for those sunrise photos...thanks for sharing :D

Re: Mt Weld 31mar-1 apr

PostPosted: Mon 09 Apr, 2012 7:49 pm
by mjdalessa
Great area isn't it? I wouldn't mind going back to camp, if the track wasn't so steep it'd be quite pleasant nowadays. Went to the area a couple of months ago:
