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Cockle Creek -> Granite Beach return

PostPosted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 6:33 pm
by biggbird
Hi all, first (of many, hopefully!) trip report from me!

This was more or less the first walk that either my girlfriend or I had done, and was pretty much used to determine whether we a) could survive walking with each other, and b) could survive walking at all :P needless to say, we're now both hooked.

Between work and uni, we haven't much time to get out and do a lot, especially considering she was living in WA last year, so 4 days had to suffice for this one. With that in mind, and wanting to do something at least a little interesting and different (I.E. not the OLT, though that will happen...) we decided to head in from Cockle Creek.

The original plan was thus:

Day 1: Cockle Creek -> South Cape Rivulet
Day 2: South Cape RIvulet -> Granite Beach
Day 3: Hang out at Granite Beach, day trip to Surprise Bay
Day 4: Granite Beach -> South Cape Rivulet
Day 5: South Cape Rivulet -> Cockle Creek

Instead, it went thus:

Day 1: Cockle Creek -> South Cape Rivulet
Day 2: South Cape Rivulet -> climb through mud and bogs over South Cape Range, take longer than expected, realise how unfit we both are -> Granite Beach
Day 3: Granite Beach -> give up on rest day after throwing tanty at the weather, decide to walk back to south cape rivulet a day early -> South Cape Rivulet
Day 4: South Cape Rivulet -> Cockle Creek (wet, cold and tired :P )

Compared to some of the stuff some people on here have seen, it was nothing to get excited about, but for us, it was hard enough as a start :P But we survived, and are definitely keen for more punishment! Vanishing Falls next sounds like a good idea, right?

A few photos from the trip:

Beautiful weather on the first day. Ha, nice work at tricking us Southwest, good one :P

Late in the evening at SC Rivulet

Second day = more mud, less duckboards = more whingeing (from both of us)

At least the scenery made up for it!

Finally coming out of the SC Range! (It took us 9 or so hours over on the way to Granite Beach, and about 10 on the way back... Can anybody say unfit?!)

Morning of the 4th day, after having waded the rivulet at about 9pm in the near dark the night before, because we didnt decide to leave Granite Beach until late... Rookie!

Anyhow, thanks for reading, and hopefully there will be more to come soon! Went up to WOJ over the March LWE, so might post something up for that also, and hopefully spend an overnight on/around Mt Murchison soon too :)

Re: Cockle Creek -> Granite Beach return

PostPosted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 6:48 pm
by Nick S
Nice report and photos mate. Glad you both enjoyed it.. always best to have the best weather at the start so no one has second thoughts :)

Cockle Creek -> Granite Beach return

PostPosted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 10:40 pm
by tasadam
That second day from South Cape Rivulet to Granite Beach is reported to be the hardest day of the South Coast track. Sounds like you both had a positive experience which is good.

So many walks, so little days off eh?

Re: Cockle Creek -> Granite Beach return

PostPosted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 10:46 pm
by biggbird
^haha well we did it twice in the space of two days :P speaking to my dad, he said it was a toss up between that day and the ironbounds.

and definitely too few days off :( a problem i'm sure just about everyone suffers from!

Re: Cockle Creek -> Granite Beach return

PostPosted: Wed 25 Apr, 2012 10:59 pm
by biggbird
also, nick, i'm told you may recognise my walking buddy (and partner)...


Re: Cockle Creek -> Granite Beach return

PostPosted: Thu 26 Apr, 2012 2:10 pm
by Nick S
Haha yes I know that person! Y'know I did wonder if it was you when you said you're from Burnie.. anyway good work guys. just another tassie moment right there.