Fun around the Coxs River.(PICS)

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Fun around the Coxs River.(PICS)

Postby HitchHiking » Thu 15 Dec, 2011 9:42 pm

After getting the early train to Katoomba from Sydney, my mate Grant and I found ourselvs on Narrowneck in the drizzle. Our plan was to check out a canyon and then head down to the Coxs river for the night.

We headed down Carlons head and enjoyed what we imagined were awesome views. There was alot of water in the canyon and we didn't get to far. We managed to climb out and the night found us at the River well after dark. There were two animal encounter to mention today. The first was when I took a beak on a bull ant nest. I had to practise some of my best dance moves with that one. The other was cooking dinner. A frog hopped from nowhere and landed on my hand. It was incredible. It then hopped onto my leg and took off into the night. Oh and there were lots of leeches.


The next day we were up early and walking joyfully along the fast flowing Coxs.
Our idea was to check out the Lower Jenolan Gorge. It was a beautiful area and the water was lots of fun to wade and swim through.

We then headed up Breakfast Creek and through the jungle of nettles that is Carlons Creek and then had a break at the far as a shower passed over. We decided that with the weather now looking good we would push on to Katoomba this evening.

As we ascended Carlons Head we were treated to some great views that well made up for the day previous.



We set up to cook dinner and enjoy it. The spectacular clouds were moving fast and by the time we were finishing dinner we getting belted with rain. We quickly packed up the dinner tarp and in the pitch dark followed the footpads back to the main fire trail. The rain was heavy and we were getting chilly so we stopped at the over hang along the narrowest part on Narrowneck. Im sure everyone will know them. They are just off the road.


There were another two animal encounters today that are worth note. One was a great turtle in a small pool. I had seen many at distance but it was neat to see the little fella close up. The second and very memorable one was Grant, who was two step behind said a few words that I knew meant trouble.( I wont repeat them here:) ). I turned to see what was wrong and we both saw the black snake taking off through a foot of water that we we trudging beside. Grant has described it as a feeling like treading on a dogs tail! I must have gone right over the top of it! Close call indeed for both.

The next morning we had a nice sunrise and a chilly 4 degrees

After a brisk walk we were back at the station for the ride back to Sydney.

A good way to spend a Monday Tuesday and Wednesday
Evan- Terra Rosa Gear, Handcrafted adventure equipment from Melbourne.
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Re: Fun around the Coxs River.(PICS)

Postby Bluegum Mic » Fri 16 Dec, 2011 8:41 pm

Great pics and an awesome looking trip (albeit a little soggy at times). :-)
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Bluegum Mic
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