Bullhead/Brumby ridges circuit.

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Bullhead/Brumby ridges circuit.

Postby puredingo » Mon 29 Apr, 2013 5:10 pm

I’d decided this Anzac day to buck our proud Aussie traditions of getting smashed by morning tea, vomiting on the bar maids shoes and punching a good mate in the head, and instead I went bushwalking.
I left home (Wollongong) bound for kanangra walls car park at 6.30 Wednesday evening with the intension of walking out to the dance floor cave for the first night but after a drive that seemed to go on forever I decided that it would be just as easy to jump into the back seat and get a fresh start in the morning.
At 6.30 sparrows I was off in the bitter cold of the morning, so cold I was wearing an old jumper that was in the car and not intended as part of my kit. Before long I was at the Bullhead ridge cairn and began my descent into the valley, it was here the track seemed to go downhill fast REAL fast. It didn’t feel right and looked as though I was dropping off the ridge into the Arabanoo side of things. I consulted the topo, retraced my steps back up to the first rocky knoll and headed in a more N/E direction. After a bit of a bush bash I discovered a track that was more pointed in my preferred bearing so I went with it. Not a good start I thought to myslelf being my maiden voyage into the area and all but as it turned out there was no need for concern as it would be only navigational issue.
Arriving at the junction of Christy’s and the Kowmung by 10.30 I was just in time to catch a mob of 4 pigs enjoying their breakfast, 3 pigs black as tar and one bright Orange (looks like even in the animal kingdom every group has a token ranger) I watched them for a bit until they caught my scent and off they snuffled to spread more weeds and dozer more ankle twisters. I was planning on camping here the night but it was way too early so I had a quick snack/drink and began the wander down stream to see if I could make Orange bluff by dusk.
The river seemed fairly full to me and flowed quiet swift and strong in places, I did my best to keep my boots dry performing all sorts of heroic acts of boulder hoping, bluff scaling, ridge cutting and bashing through nettles and weeds…only to fall *&%$#! over tit about 500 mtrs from my camp site. Annoying to think I could of gently waded the length of my river walk as my boots would end up wet anyway. Checking the topo, and if I was right, I reasoned I was about a Klm from the brumby ridge camp site, reading how this place sees a fair amount of population I figured I’d give it a miss and camp up where I stood as the spot looked as good as any. And as camp sites go it really was with lovely soft river sand banks carpeted with a spongy grass I cursed the decision to lug the heavy old sleeping mat in…but couple that ground cover with the mat and it was as if Captain Snooze had made a home delivery especially for me. It was 2.30 by this stage so I got a fire going and had a cook up, with the sun slowly slipping behind the range in front of me there was nothing left to do but pour myself a stiff JB and coke and salute our fallen diggers, let the warm flames dry my wrinkly feet and get some shut eye.

Packed and away by 7.00 the next morning it was only a short romp down to the “real” camp site and as it was not a soul to be seen. I did a bit of exploring, locating the track up Brumby ridge, noticed how weedy the flat was (most high traffic areas are I suppose) and cooked brekky before I began the uphill slug. And away I went by 8.45, such was the weather for walking I didn’t feel the need to break at all on the way up and only had a mouthful of water on the odd occasion I turned to admire the view. It’s amazing what cool air temps and a fresh morning breeze can do for the most unfit of walkers stamina. Mind you I definitely was not setting any land speed records…but slow and steady as they say…
By 10.15 I’d hit the Gingra trail and meandered my way up to the coal seam cave, here I administered a bit of blister treatment and had a good drink and then onto the plateau and through to the car park…which had totally transformed from the deserted place I’d wondered if my vehicle would be safe in to a thriving, bustling metropolis of Asian tourist.
This kind of sucked because I’m the type of dude who enjoys a GOOD, raw towel off before I climb into the car and take on a 4 hour mission but with the swarms of trigger fingered snappers at every angle I was way too umm, err…dehydrated and chilled to chance ending up on Tokyo youtube.
So by 12.30 I was heading off home after what was a neat little over nighter with a couple of thoughts, 1 being a drive of this distance definitely warrants a stay of at least 2/3 nights and 2 in a summer where I’ve had more encounters with snakes than I can remember not one was spotted or even heard…Only 4 pigs, a couple of Roo’s and no humans.

PS For cambage spur TAKE A ROPE!...I forgot and if your like me and hate the gentle prompting your pack gives you as you carefully try to pick your way down a scramble then it's important. I tried to hand lower mine down a bit of the way but it decided I wasn't moving fast enough and took the direct/kamakazi route to the bottom...lucky pack and contents survived unscathed but it could of been ugly!
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Bullhead/Brumby ridges circuit.

Postby neilmny » Mon 29 Apr, 2013 7:26 pm

Good story puredingo, thanks.
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Re: Bullhead/Brumby ridges circuit.

Postby kanangra » Tue 30 Apr, 2013 9:06 am

I loved that report Pure Dingo. Keep up the good work.

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