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Main Range

PostPosted: Tue 06 Feb, 2018 11:51 pm
by Luke001
Turned out it didn't take too much convincing to get the wife to brave the alpine area again in Summer. We had a bit of a cold snap which seems to have slowed the pesky flies a bit. We planned to do the 11 peaks but we lost a day on the way up due to the cars alternator deciding to die on the Hume. So had to wind it down significantly. Basically just did the main range circuit with some side trips to Mt Twynam, Tenison Woods Knoll and a bit of the track out towards Thredbo.

Stopped at the lookout on the saddle before Carruthers Peak for a few snaps.

We had some fun on the first night, just arrived into camp before the clouds rolled in with a front of pretty heavy very cold rain, which soon dissipated to a really dewy fog. You could just about bite the clouds they were that full of moisture. Made for a really cool orange glow all around the camp site as the sun set. I've never seen anything like it before, it was so cool.



Woke to crystal clear skys. And did the little loop to Tenison Woods Knoll and Mt Twynam. Pic below is from Tenison.

We then continued over the normal main range circuit and a stroll down the boardwalk towards Cootapatamba Hut lookout before finding a spot to make camp. It was a beautiful clear afternoon with a gentle cool breeze. Perfect for a little early dinner picnic on the poncho tarp.

We had one of those pinky blue sunsets that are just so photogenic. Made me wish I'd brought the SLR along.



It really cooled down overnight and the wind pickup up considerably. I had undercling mikes -2 quilt and was nice and comfy in the tent with just my thermals and light fleece and that tent was doing a great job with the wind. But I popped out for a loo run sometime after midnight and by god with my thermals and fleece top I was shaking like a leaf when I climbed back in the tent. That wind was bitter.

We were rewarded again at sunrise with some awesome light and great views on another crystal morning.


Unfortunately we didn't get to do our planned walk but tuned out to be a great weekend anyway. Still have to go back and bag those other few hills. Good excuse to get back up there anyway.

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Wed 07 Feb, 2018 3:22 pm
by Zapruda
Great report. Thanks for posting it. The area around the Sentinel and the Crags is one of my favourites. Good job capturing that alpen glow as well. Cheers.

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Sat 10 Feb, 2018 2:05 pm
by peregrinator
Luke, as with your Jagungal photographs, these are also very good. But you're saying you have a better camera? Well, I'm a rank amateur using an inexpensive little second-hand thing and might be unqualified to pass judgement, but your shots give a pretty good impression of being there for someone who has yet to do so. It's good to know that you're going back for more.

I like your comment about biting those cumulus clouds.

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Sat 10 Feb, 2018 4:08 pm
by cajun
Great report and excellent shots!

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Sat 10 Feb, 2018 7:56 pm
by johnw
Nice report and lovely images from an area that I'm very fond of.

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Sun 11 Feb, 2018 6:22 am
by NathanaelB
Looks lovely, is there a marked trail up there?

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Sun 11 Feb, 2018 8:42 am
by north-north-west
NathanaelB wrote:Looks lovely, is there a marked trail up there?

There are tracks, plus very easy off-track walking. The circuit, including the routes from Thredbo to Crackenback Top Station and Rawson Pass, up Kosciuszko and Stilwell and out to Twynam and Blue Lake, are tracked. The rest is 'make it up as you go'. Very simple in clear weather.

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Sun 11 Feb, 2018 2:35 pm
by Luke001
Thanks for the comments. Photo's are all from my wifes Iphone X. I took a few with my 5s but in the low light it wasnt great (read crap) but Ive got to admit the camera on the Iphone X is quite impressive really. I have a Canon 7d but Im generally too lazy to drag that extra weight around these days. I used to carry the camera, tripod, extra battery and 3 lenses + padded bags a few years ago.

Looks lovely, is there a marked trail up there?

The main range track is a circuit from Charlotte Pass on an easy to follow track. Plenty of off track walking available and as said mostly easy to navigate but clouds can roll in very quickly so worth taking gps and maps ect. If just doing the main range circuit its pretty easily doable as a day walk. Chuck in a few side trips and it makes a nice overnighter or mulitday location I think. If camping just read up on the regulations for the area as they have a few no go locations. Often cold and windy at night even this time of year.

Re: Main Range

PostPosted: Sun 11 Feb, 2018 8:11 pm
by rcaffin
Often cold and windy at night even this time of year.
We had hard sleet one Boxing Day, in the middle of the day. It caused some confusion among the tourists when it moved in.
