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Lincoln Bomber, Mt Superbus.

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 7:29 pm

Have been wanting to walk this one for ages... day trip, off track.
Only for those confident & experienced in off track bushwalking.

Without waking the whole household, I quietly drove out of our driveway at 4am, moon still full & bright.
I'm always a little anxious driving into the area where this track is located....there's 4 river crossing to negotiate before
you park your car & walk the last couple of km's to the start of the track.
Since my ute is only 2wd, I was counting on a recent dry spell, to keep those crossings nice & low. No problems....

After a couple of hours of constant climbing under the forest canopy, over, under fallen tree's, through patches of stinging nettles,
around landslides, I finally located the overgrown crash site.
Only view on the way up....

Getting close....


5 mins climb above the crash site is small shaded camp area, where I slung my Grand Trunk hammock, fell into it,
ate a few snacks & drank from my camelbak while my body cooled down.

Except for a small tiger, a pencil thin white lipped & a gorgeous 2m python warming themselves in the sunny patches on the track,
the return trip was fairly uneventful. :wink:

The crash is covered in more detail here. It's a sad sad story.
Last edited by ofuros on Fri 20 Sep, 2013 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Lincoln Bomber, Mt Superbus.

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 8:13 pm

Top photos-great angles. Very sad story.

Re: Lincoln Bomber, Mt Superbus.

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 8:31 pm

Thanks again ofuros. You are racking up some interesting trips - this is a great one. Plenty of snakes the last couple of trips!

Re: Lincoln Bomber, Mt Superbus.

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 9:53 pm

vagrom wrote:Top photos-great angles. Very sad story.

Thanks vagrom.
You can't help being moved, even though it happened so many years ago.....

Re: Lincoln Bomber, Mt Superbus.

Fri 20 Sep, 2013 10:00 pm

simonm wrote:Thanks again ofuros. You are racking up some interesting trips - this is a great one. Plenty of snakes the last couple of trips!

Thanks simonm....gaiters are mandatory at the moment !
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