Paluma Triple Falls

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Paluma Triple Falls

Postby bauplenut » Sun 31 Jan, 2016 7:01 pm

Went for a short walk today on south side of Paluma village to what is locally known as Triple Falls. Only one hour to get to the falls.

The track branches off from the well known H track walk at the old H track Loop sign (photo attached). The track is not marked at this point, but the footpad is clear, well used. This route is part of the actual old original forestry H track that went down the ridge to Blue Gum Creek. You do see old forestry track markers occasionally.

The track is easy to follow, and level for a while, then steep descent until you reach the junction marker (photos attached). Turn right and short track walk down to the falls, very steep, rope in place at bottom to assist. This brings you to the pool and bottom falls. To explore the mid and upper falls, scramble up on left side to reach them. You can see worn pads where people go, there are two ways, one over the rockface, or direct up the slope. Very steep though and be cautious with foot holds. Photos of bottom and mid tiers attached.

A nice way to kill a few hours.

We usually do this as a day walk circuit route starting about 1 km west of Paluma (start is bit hidden by overgrowth), down an old forestry track, visit waterfalls, pools, and old wolfram mine area, down a track to where the creek levels out, rock hop along the creek for 500 metres to reach Blue Gum Creek junction, go down Blue Gum 200 metres to a long great pool. Then back to Blue Gum junction, and up the ridgeline on the original H track, steep 400 metre altitude climb, to Triple Falls, then back to Paluma. Nice day walk. I like it as you go through vegetation changes, not all rainforest. Good day walk.
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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Region: Queensland

Re: Paluma Triple Falls

Postby nq111 » Fri 05 Feb, 2016 6:23 pm

Thanks Bauplenut - another one to try out.

By steep - how steep and exposed? Thinking of my kids.
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Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: Paluma Triple Falls

Postby bauplenut » Sun 07 Feb, 2016 7:49 pm

Nothing exposed on track to bottom pool. Steep - bit like Castle Hill goat track stairs steepness. The rope on track near bottom pool is to help lil ole grandmothers, plus handy if track wet. Getting from bottom pool to middle and top tiers is different story, but you can judge that when there and whether suitable for kids. Falls will be good with this recent rain.
Atherosperma moschatum
Atherosperma moschatum
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