After reading up a bit and getting some extra info from metastable, two of my friends and me decided to do Toolona Circuit as our first overnight hike. It was a pretty good trip; we started at about 11.45am, had lunch at Pinic Rock, and got to Bithongabel at around 4.45pm.
The final creek crossing before Bithongabel is at or somewhere near Poojabinya Falls - that is where we got our water from. We still had about 4L of drinking water left over between us, so I just filled up my water pack with 3L of creek water to use at camp.
I logged all the water crossings we came across on my GPS, hopefully they'll help someone in the future. A few of them were dry though. The crossings/falls weren't all signposted so I'm not sure what most of them are.
It wasn't as strenuous as I was expecting, but it was definitely more tiring than a "packless" hike, of course. My pack was 9kg, my friend's pack was 11kg. The temperature was expected to drop to around 13 degrees so we brought a sleeping bag along with our tent. We were thinking of just bringing a sleeping bag, but metastable advised against it - which was a good thing, as we found a few leeches around the tent as we were setting up! I'm just imagining waking up in the morning with leeches in my nose. I spotted a red-bellied black snake behind our tent in the morning too.
Surprisingly, Bithongabel had 1 bar of Optus 4G, 1 bar of Telstra 4G, and sometimes 4 bars of Telstra 3G.
We slept in and left at around 11am, got back to O'Reillys at around 12.30pm, had lunch there, and headed back. We spotted another red-bellied black snake basking in the sun on the trail on the way back.
Thanks again to metastable for posting about it a few times here. The fact that he did it easily with his 7-year old gave us overnight-virgins some confidence.
Google Maps link -
GPX file -
Original post references:
The uprooted tree route (ha!)
Picnic Rock
Another uprooted tree on the trail
Chalahn Falls
Toolona Falls
Near the peak of Mt Bithongabel, before the campsite
Sunset at the campsite