McPherson Range - Huts

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McPherson Range - Huts

Postby dis » Thu 08 Sep, 2022 2:47 pm


Recently this year I traversed a section of the McPherson Range from Mt Gipps through to Rimfall Farm via Black Snake Ridge (a two night through-hike with overnight packs). This section of the McPherson Range is difficult and treacherous and is completely overgrown with lantana and vines. It's true Southern Lamginton jungle at its best; it took over 6 frustrating hours to hike the 5km from Mt Gipps (birdcage) through to the second hut and I can only imagine how much worse it gets once the border fence finishes at around Mt Nungulba.

Would anyone happen to have any solid information on exactly when this section of border fence was created (East of Mt Gipps), and when the two huts (birdcage and second hut) were constructed? Also, potentially when the border trail through here was stopped being maintained? The huts are still in extremely good conditions considering how old they may be.
Second Hut
Nothofagus gunnii
Nothofagus gunnii
Posts: 46
Joined: Mon 18 Nov, 2013 3:31 pm
Region: New South Wales

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