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Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Tue 14 Feb, 2017 8:28 pm
by devoswitch
Dipodium roseum. Thanks again! Was so beautiful to see!

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Wed 15 Feb, 2017 10:18 am
by MickyB
devoswitch wrote:... had seed pods hanging off some stems that looked like orchids

devoswitch wrote:Dipodium roseum. Thanks again! Was so beautiful to see!

Sorry devoswitch. I should have looked more closely at your photo. I looked at it on my small phone screen and although it was slightly out of focus there were a couple of giveaways that it was an orchid and not a trigger plant (petal shape, seed pod etc) :oops: :oops: .

I know trigger plants are now if flower (probaly just finishing) but is this late for an orchid to be flowering? I always thought they flowered from late winter through to early summer (depending on species).

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Wed 15 Feb, 2017 12:10 pm
by devoswitch
No problem MickyB!
Seems they flower all year round!!
Interesting reading about the specific orchid that I saw. It relies on a fungi in the soil to tap into the root system of the allocasuarina trees and make nutrients available. It needs no chlorophyll or leaves as it gets everything it needs from them! Incredible!

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sun 19 Feb, 2017 3:55 pm
by Neo
Afternoon stroll. The plant was similar to a trunkless grass tree. Foliage triangular but flattish and concave on top.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Wed 12 Apr, 2017 8:11 pm
by Neo
Unseasonal Christmas Bells, just the one flowering, on Christmas Bells Plains no less.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Mon 01 May, 2017 7:32 am
by awildland
found this in Oxley Wild Rivers National Park just outside Walcha, last weekend. It's a cracker!! The forest floor was a mosaic of different mushrooms, all kinds of shapes, sizes and colours.

(no rude jokes about which one in the picture is the mushroom :D I'm just in the pic for perspective.)

IMG_4621.jpg (170.6 KiB) Viewed 49253 times

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Mon 01 May, 2017 12:13 pm
by north-north-west
I see and photograph a lot of plants, but seldom get around to showing them off. This one, however, is special; first sighting, a favourite species and not often seen - flowering Celery Top Pine (phyllocladus aspleniifolius).

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 29 Jul, 2017 9:08 pm
by Neo
An orchid, a bit off track in Booderee NP.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sun 30 Jul, 2017 11:12 am
by north-north-west
Caladenia somethingorotherii
Can be a pain to distinguish between all those Caladenias.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sun 30 Jul, 2017 11:15 am
by Neo
Thanks. Found a little patch of them in a slight gully.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sun 30 Jul, 2017 11:23 am
by north-north-west
Be careful or you could easily turn into an obsessive orchid hunter. It's quite addictive, and the thrill of finding and photographing a new species is special.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Mon 31 Jul, 2017 9:11 pm
by taswegian
This was hard to photograph.
Not Flora, but it is plant based.
Light play on gum bark

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Fri 04 Aug, 2017 9:58 pm
by Neo
Nice bark. Im not one of those retiree orchich growers, thats a whole new speciality. I've learnt an orchid when I see one. Last week in an overhang there were the remnant dried flowers from autumn, still special to discover.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sun 06 Aug, 2017 7:41 am
by ofuros
Flowering Xanthorrhoea australis...aka blackboy or kangaroo tail.
Such a fine delicate flower for a hardy plant.

Google tells me the local aborigini's soaked the flowering spike in water to produce a sweet drink.
The soft, white leaf bases were eaten as well as the growing point of the stem. The flower spike exudes
a resin which could be used as an adhesive in the manufacture of tools and the stem used for the lower
portion of a spear. Stems were also used to make a base for a fire-drill to start a fire.
Take all that with a grain of salt but it does seem to have been a very useful plant in the past...:wink:

DSCF3167 (Medium).JPG

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sun 06 Aug, 2017 12:22 pm
by Chunder fuzz
I remember doing a walk in primary school somewhere on the Central Coast, near Toukley I think, in the 90s, heaps of those kangaroo tails were flowering, if you rubbed your finger along the flowers it left a nice sweet tasting sap on your finger - worth a try next time you see one...

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sun 06 Aug, 2017 6:09 pm
by ofuros
Thanks Chunder fuzz...I'll give it a go next time. 8-)

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 4:38 pm
by Neo
Grevillea up a hill from the Colo River

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 4:45 pm
by Neo
Something, hanging down the rocks almost like a groundcover, somewhere near the Colo.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 4:47 pm
by Neo
I dunno. Colo area half way up or near the ridgelines.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 4:51 pm
by Neo
This one I'm guessing is a Philotheca. Looks very similar to the nursery plant Philotheca myoporoides 'Winter Rouge' but leaves smaller and narrower.
Is about to flower. Colo river hills again.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 4:52 pm
by Neo
The ol mountain devil. Also comes in a peachy cream.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 5:38 pm
by Neo
Pretty sure this one is a Pimela, rice flower at Mt York (Mt Victoria).
See them everywhere including around Port Mac.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 5:48 pm
by cajun
Mistletoe seen on the Murray River.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 7:57 pm
by Neo
Flower looks kpaw-esk

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 12 Aug, 2017 9:00 pm
by MickyB
Neo wrote:Something, hanging down the rocks almost like a groundcover, somewhere near the Colo.

Looks like Pandorea pandorana / Wonga wonga vine

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 16 Sep, 2017 10:23 am
by Neo
Spotted just one of these last weekend at the end of a walk in the Blueys.

Does anyone know what it's called, besides a Daisy?

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 16 Sep, 2017 1:05 pm
by MickyB
Neo wrote:Spotted just one of these last weekend at the end of a walk in the Blueys.

Does anyone know what it's called, besides a Daisy?

My immediate thought was Leucochrysum Sp. but now I'm not sure.

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Sat 16 Sep, 2017 1:56 pm
by Neo
MickyB wrote:
Neo wrote:Spotted just one of these last weekend at the end of a walk in the Blueys.

Does anyone know what it's called, besides a Daisy?

My immediate thought was Leucochrysum Sp. but now I'm not sure.

Thanks hadn't heard of them.

It's not L albicans but this looks promising, species at least: ... ysum~molle

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Fri 13 Oct, 2017 5:31 pm
by Neo
New season drumsticks

Re: Flora Seen on Your Last Walk?

PostPosted: Fri 13 Oct, 2017 5:32 pm
by Neo
Prostanthera or Mint Bush, minty aroma to the leaves