matagi wrote: I am a little uncomfortable with the way he has put the "Button Man" in the crosshairs.
rcaffin wrote:What happens if a group of louts decide to pay "the button man" a visit..
I would imagine they would never be seen again.
jobell wrote:I have been thinking about this issue a bit lately, I now live in NE VIC and what I have encountered locally and the stories I have heard from other people (including local police) is making me fairly reluctant to be out on my own (which is my usual preference) in VIC high country unless it was up on the Bogong High Plains or similar where deer shooters are scarce.
It really is the wild west out here, not much Police presence and there is an obvious attitude that the law doesn't apply in some of these areas.
Xplora wrote:Mt. Beauty has a small station with a few Police. Omeo now has 3 police with Mitta Mitta and Swifts Creek still one. Each of these remote stations are backed up by a head stations when not staffed but the head stations are reluctant to send staff out a couple of hours to a job unless it is necessary. Obviously shooting is not considered necessary but in fairness, those shooting will be long gone before they arrived. Mt. Bogong is actually in East Gippsland so technically it is managed by Omeo. Police districts are not necessarily governed by council boundaries but it is a guide.
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