OK, cheating a little bit. This is on our farm.
Many many long years ago we planted a few tiny Blue Gum seedlings near our house. In hindsight it might have been better to have planted them further away, but no matter.
Anyhow, those little tube seedlings are now over 1 metre in diameter at the base. All very fine.
It is normal for Blue Gums to grow very tall, and to shed the lower branches when they get shaded out by the upper branches. Sometimes the branches are shed naturally, and sometimes they get broken off by storms and rain. In the latter case a scar can be left on the trunk. But the tree manages.
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So, this week we reached a sort of milestone. A scar attracted a couple of Pink Galahs.
My version of this is that the macho male is busy inside the trunk, digging out a hollow, while the female sits and waits nearby. Wood chips at the base of the tree.
Magpie babies: tick. Butcher Bird babies: tick. Barn Swallows (2 pairs): tick. Noisy Miner babies: tick. Now for Pink Galah babies.