Shaking off the cobwebs

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Shaking off the cobwebs

Postby Dexter » Tue 07 Nov, 2023 2:26 pm

So I've had a lazy 6 months or so. A few day walks here and there, but some plantar fasciitis slowed me down and really haven't done any multi day walks since Sept last year. All seems to be (mostly) resolved - I have some discomfort in my other foot which may be some arthritis but doesn't seem to stop me.
After visiting the sports pediatrist she found that my calf strength needed a kick up the bum, which was most likely the cause of the plantar fasciitis. In case you're wondering her opinion was that 3x reps of 25 calf raises on one leg was the gold standard for a bushwalker carrying significant weight on their back. Push up quickly on one leg, hold at the top and slowly and controlled on the way back down for the eccentric contraction.

So anyway, me and my walking buddies are trying to line up a three day walk which was meant to happen ages ago. We are looking at the Gar and Werdug 3-day hike in the Grampians. I'm not sure if we are biting off more than we can chew by attempting that walk after no multi day walks for over 12 months but after a bit of reading online of the elevation, distance, and grading, it doesn't look too much harder than waking Beeripmo with an extra day attached. I'd be confident in doing that. Having never walked that area, any feedback on this would be welcomed.

I plan on getting out there with my pack on, and building up and doing some longer training walks over the next few weeks, and getting stuck back into the calf raises. Are there any other exercises you do at home to help get yourself bushwalking fit or improving your strength?

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Re: Shaking off the cobwebs

Postby Eremophila » Tue 07 Nov, 2023 3:13 pm

For calf raises my podiatrist recommends slow up, hold, and slow down - count to 3 up, 3 hold, 3 down. I do them in the shower and they have helped my PF immensely, along with orthotics. 3 x 25 on one leg is a fair bit though.

I did that section just after Easter, with not much fitness. I did suffer a little afterwards for my sloth - knee injuries sustained 6 months earlier, plus no training, wasn't a good idea.

My main training is usually walking with a loaded pack, adding in some hills. That said, I'm also usually doing a bit of light gym stuff and some home yoga/pilates style stretching and strengthening. (which I'm not at the moment) Exercise bike is handy for a little cardio on rainy days, which we get plenty of.

You'll be fine. It's only a 2 1/2 day walk, quite a bit more than Beeripmo, but nothing horribly steep. It's very nice.

There is a fair bit of sloping rock slab which can be slippery.
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Re: Shaking off the cobwebs

Postby Dexter » Tue 07 Nov, 2023 3:33 pm

Eremophila wrote:For calf raises my podiatrist recommends slow up, hold, and slow down - count to 3 up, 3 hold, 3 down.

Now that you mention it I have a feeling she just put emphasis on the 'slow and controlled on the way down' rather than encouraging going quickly on the way up, I'm probably just impatient and did that myself. Great to hear it's helped for you too! It's such a frustrating injury and I'm glad I got onto it when it was reasonably mild.
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Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Shaking off the cobwebs

Postby Dexter » Wed 08 Nov, 2023 4:02 pm

Eremophila wrote:
You'll be fine. It's only a 2 1/2 day walk, quite a bit more than Beeripmo, but nothing horribly steep. It's very nice.

There is a fair bit of sloping rock slab which can be slippery.

Seems the camps we wanted for the 30th - 2nd are already booked out.
Oh well, we have some unfinished business on the great ocean walk. At least if it's crazy hot we can go swimming :D
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