Minimising microplastic pollution

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Minimising microplastic pollution

Postby Warin » Mon 15 Jan, 2024 5:30 pm

From ... /103321100

As we'd all have fleece products and those will produce microplastic pollution when washed I think the information may be of interest;

The biggest source of microplastic pollution is synthetic fabrics, which constantly shed them. Advanced waste water treatment plants can remove up to 99 per cent of microfibres, but a wash can produce millions of fibres.

At home we can;
    Wash full loads instead of partial loads reduces release of microfibres because garments are exposed to less friction during the wash cycle.
    Use cold water, which releases fewer microfibres than hot water.
    Use less detergent, which increases microfibre release.
    Use a front-loading washing machine, whose tumbling action produces less microfibre release.
    Dry laundry on a clothesline. Running clothes in dryers releases additional microfibres into the air from the dryer vent.

Some companies are now manufacturing washers with built-in microfibre filters. Australia has announced that filters will be required in commercial and residential washers by 2030.
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Re: Minimising microplastic pollution

Postby Eremophila » Mon 15 Jan, 2024 9:09 pm

That’s good news re the filter requirement. Ultimately the fibres will still end up in the environment when you clean the filter and dispose of them… but better than going into the waterways or ocean.

A couple of years ago I was reading an article on “organic “ skincare products made in Melbourne. One company was touting how enviro-friendly and pure their products were - sold with a microfibre facial cleansing puff. I emailed and asked how this product fitted with their environmental principles. No reply.

Just did a quick google and there are plenty of these being marketed as eco-friendly, because they are replacing single-use wipes, pads and tissues.

Just bought my third front loader, the second one suddenly died after more than 13 years’ service. Would never go back to a top loader.
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